Musculoskeletal health A public health approach

WEBOur guide, Musculoskeletal health – a public health approach (PDF 3 MB), presents a new way of thinking about musculoskeletal conditions. Everyone can do something to improve and maintain the health of their bones, joints, muscles and spine, at every age: Increasing physical activity and keeping a healthy weight can markedly reduce the risk

Actived: 6 days ago


Stress and arthritis: Why it’s important to manage your stress levels

WEBThe connection between arthritis and stress. Stress can worsen autoimmune inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis. In conditions like these, the immune system, the body's natural defence system, is out of balance and can attack your joints, spine, and sometimes other organs …

Category:  Health Go Health

New research to improve work and well-being for people with

WEBMore than 20 million people, around a third of the UK population, have an MSK condition such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, back pain, fibromyalgia and rarer conditions such as lupus.. They are the greatest cause of pain and disability in the UK, affecting people’s ability to work, care for a family, and live …

Category:  Health Go Health

Arthritis and heart health: What you need to know

WEBArthritis describes when you have pain, swelling and stiffness in one or more of your joints.. But did you know that some arthritis conditions can cause complications in other parts of your body, such as your heart? Here Dr Benjamin Ellis, Consultant Rheumatologist and Senior Clinical Policy Adviser at Versus Arthritis, shares what you …

Category:  Health Go Health

Osteoporosis Causes, symptoms, treatment Versus Arthritis

WEBRemoval of the ovaries only (ovariectomy or oophorectomy) is quite rare but is also linked with an increased risk of osteoporosis. Lack of weight-bearing exercise – Exercise encourages bone development, and lack of exercise means you'll be more at risk of losing calcium from the bones and so developing osteoporosis.

Category:  Health Go Health

The musculoskeletal history Healthcare professionals

WEBA history of joint swelling, especially if it is intermittent, is normally a good indication of an inflammatory disease process. Patients often describe rings becoming tight or a sensation of walking on pebbles. There are exceptions however. Nodal osteoarthritis, for example, causes bony, hard and non-tender swelling in the proximal

Category:  Health Go Health

Eating well with arthritis healthy eating for people with arthritis

WEBEating a balanced diet and having a healthy lifestyle such as regular physical activity, not smoking, not drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can have a huge impact on arthritis and our health in general.. Although there are no diets or supplements that will cure your arthritis, some people do find that their condition is affected by what they eat, how much …

Category:  Supplements Go Health


WEB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 What is The State of Musculoskeletal Health? The State of Musculoskeletal Health is a collection of the most up-to-date, UK-wide statistics on

Category:  Health Go Health

Providing physical activity interventions for people with

WEBContents | 03 Forewords | 04 1: Introduction and policy context 1.1 Introduction | 11 1.2 Overview of musculoskeletal health | 11 1.3 Physical activity overview | 14 1.4 Policy context | 14 1.5 NICE guidance | 14 1.6 Focus: Conditions of musculoskeletal pain and physical activity | 16 1.7 Focus: Inflammatory conditions and physical activity | 17 1.8 …

Category:  Health Go Health

A public health approach

WEBMusculoskeletal Health – A public health approach | Foreword from Public Health England | 7 FOREWORD FROM PUBLIC HEALTH ENGLAND Over the last 150 years, patterns of health and disease have dramatically shifted.

Category:  Health Go Health

Joint care Looking after your joints when you have arthritis

WEBlifting heavy objects with your wrists bent downwards. using too few joints to do a job, for example, using a few fingers to carry a plastic bag instead of your forearm. pushing your fingers over towards your little finger and putting pressure on your thumb. twisting or over-straightening your fingers.

Category:  Health Go Health

Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) Causes, symptoms, treatments

WEBPolymyalgia rheumatica (poly-my-al-ger ru-mah-ticker), or PMR, is a relatively common condition that causes stiffness and pain in muscles. The word ‘poly’ means many and the word ‘myalgia’ means muscle pain. It can start at any age from 50, but mainly affects people over the age of 70. More women are affected than men.

Category:  Health Go Health

The state of musculoskeletal health 2019

WEBThe combined costs from worklessness and sickness absence in the UK amount to around £100 billion annually.52 Musculoskeletal ill health results in significant costs for individuals, employers, the health service, and the wider economy. Conditions such as back pain account for around 40% of all sickness absence in the NHS and costs …

Category:  Health Go Health

Versus Arthritis: The State of Musculoskeletal Health 2021

WEBannually.66. The cost of working days lost due to osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis was estimated at £2.58 billion in 2017 rising to £3.43 billion by 2030.68. Conditions such as back pain account for around 40% of all sickness absence in the NHS and costs around £400 million per year.67.

Category:  Health Go Health

What is epidemiology and why is it important

WEBEpidemiology is the study of diseases in populations, investigating how, when and why they occur. The diseases studied are wide-ranging, including infectious diseases like coronavirus and non-infectious diseases like arthritis. People who work in this field are referred to as epidemiologists. When a disease occurs in a population

Category:  Coronavirus Go Health

NHS Greenwich CCG

WEBrefers to the number of OA cases that require special attention, and additional resources, from healthcare providers and commissioners. Back pain - total population includes all age ranges (based on mid-2012 ONS population estimates).

Category:  Health Go Health

Musculoskeletal health questionnaire (MSK-HQ)

WEBThis questionnaire is about your joint, back, neck, bone and muscle symptoms. such as aches, pains and/or stiffness. Please focus on the particular health problem(s) for which you sought treatment from this service. For each question. tick. ( ) one box. to indicate which statement best describes you over the last 2 weeks.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Musculoskeletal (MSK) Calculator is a prevalence …

WEBGreenwich The Musculoskeletal (MSK) Calculator is a prevalence modelling tool. Data on the burden of MSK conditions are lacking and for the first time this prevalence model provides estimates of the burden of MSK conditions to local areas.

Category:  Health Go Health

Rheumatoid arthritis information booklet

WEBRheumatoid arthritis (room-a-toyd arth-rye-tus) is a long-term condition that can cause pain, swelling and stifness in your joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition. This means that the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues in your body, rather than germs or viruses.

Category:  Health Go Health

Turmeric Uses, side-effects Versus Arthritis

WEBThere was no difference in reported side-effects between the groups, and the most commonly reported were heartburn and dizziness. Those who received ibuprofen were better at taking their treatment than those who received turmeric. Turmeric is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. Learn its uses and side-effects when treating

Category:  Health Go Health

Rosehip Uses, side-effects Versus Arthritis

WEBRosehip is a herbal medication with anti-inflammatory properties. It’s available over the counter in capsule form. Evidence suggests that rosehip may be effective in relieving some symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.. Family: Herbal medicine of the Rosaceae family Scientific name: Rosa canina Other names: Rose heps, rosehip …

Category:  Medicine Go Health