Office Exercises: 40+ Exercises For Great Posture & Fitness

Office exercises are quick stretches and mini-workouts that you can perform at or near an office or home desk. The human body was not designed to sit at a desk all day, but chair and … See more

Actived: 9 days ago


30 Mindfulness Activities To Keep Your Mind Calm (At Any Age)

WEBThey can be squeezed into a busy schedule. Here are our top 10 science-backed mindfulness activities for anyone, anywhere. 1. Cloud gazing. Watching the clouds pass …

Category:  Health Go Health

417 Daily Positive Affirmations For Personal Growth

WEBChange is a constant and often unsettling part of life. These affirmations will help you embrace change with courage, flexibility, and a positive outlook. I am adaptable …

Category:  Health Go Health

Cuddling: The Surprising Benefits (and Science) of Touch

WEBThe Benefits of Cuddling: Cuddling is one of the most effective forms of touch because you can have full body contact with another human. It is so powerful that cuddle expert, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Strength: 7 Tips to Develop Rock-Solid Discipline

WEBBasic abilities that make up mental strength include: being able to handle your negative emotions in a healthy manner. understanding and interpreting your emotions. knowing …

Category:  Health Go Health

55 Employee Wellness Programs Guaranteed to Bring Happiness

WEB55 Employee Wellness Programs Guaranteed to Bring Happiness. Galina Hitching. January 4, 2024. The data is in! According to a study by Harvard 1 Workplace wellness programs …

Category:  Health Go Health

12 Essential Coping Skills For Adults (Necessary For Life)

WEBThey empower us to adapt, thrive, and maintain our well-being in adversity. Some common examples of coping strategies might be: Mindfulness meditation. …

Category:  Health Go Health

Endorphins: What Are They and 10 Tips to Boost Your Well-Being

WEBTake a slow, deep breath through your nose, allowing your abdomen to rise as you fill your lungs with air. Exhale slowly through your mouth, feeling your abdomen sink back down. …

Category:  Health Go Health

65 Effective Ways to Enjoy Life And Be Happier (& Healthier)

WEBIf you want to feel happier, consider keeping your phone on “Do Not Disturb” for the first hour or so of waking. Spend quiet time making coffee, journaling, showering, …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Benefits of Music: How the Science of Music Can Help …

WEBBottom Line: Sleep better, longer and with fewer disturbances by listening to music at bedtime. The next time you crank up the music in an impromptu dance party, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Workplace Culture 101: How to Create Positivity at Work

WEB4. Rewarding. Work feels rewarding when it provides a sense of fulfillment and achievement beyond monetary compensation. Often, this is associated with work that has a positive …

Category:  Health Go Health

30 Best Games For The Brain to Unlock Your Potential (2024)

WEBTheir app, available through the App Store and Google Play, coaches you as you work on improving your cognitive skills over time. 25. Personal Zen. Personal Zen uses the …

Category:  Health Go Health

14 Therapeutic Communication Techniques to Build Trust and …

WEBTherapeutic communication is defined as an interaction from a healthcare professional to a patient and aims at promoting the physical and mental well-being of the patient. The …

Category:  Health Go Health

300+ Core Values You’ll Ever Need For Work & Relationships

WEBIntegrity, kindness, honesty, and financial security are typical examples of personal core values. Others often see these values as your character traits. For …

Category:  Health Go Health

14 Amazing Benefits of Meditation That Actually Rewire Your Brain

WEB2. Zen/Zazen. Zen meditation or zazen meditation (which translated literally means “seated meditation”) involves focusing the mind on one thing. The aim of zazen is …

Category:  Health Go Health

11 Happiness Statistics: Stats About Happy People

WEBAccording to a research project, significant differences exist in what drives happiness across these generations. Gen Z’s happiness is driven by video games and digital …

Category:  Health Go Health

Color Psychology: How Color Affects Your Emotions And Why

WEBOrange. Orange evokes stimulation, vibrancy, and enthusiasm. Orange is the color of fire, citrus fruit, and safety vests. Orange is also the color of …

Category:  Health Go Health

7 Science-Backed Reasons Why Friends are Important

WEBScience tells us that friendship reduces stress, strengthens self-esteem, and creates a sense of belonging. Friends are good for your psychological well-being. If your …

Category:  Health Go Health

140 Deepest Condolence Messages For Any Occasion

WEBCondolence messages to a coworker who experienced a loss. I am deeply saddened to hear of the passing of your loved one. As your colleague, I know this is an especially …

Category:  Health Go Health