Is Running High Mileage Bad for Your Health

As you’d expect with any decently large cross-section of the population, a handful of the subjects in the ULTRA study were diabetic, asthmatic, HIV positive, … See more

Actived: 1 days ago


Interview with Dr. Tim Noakes: Hydration, The Role of the …

WebDr. Tim Noakes is one of the most influential and esteemed exercise scientists in the world. His book, The Lore of Running, is considered by many students of the sport to be the Bible of training theory. We’re honored to have him join our podcast today for an in-depth interview about some of his latest

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Being Fit Doesn’t Necessarily Mean You’re Healthy. How …

WebMany runners confuse being able to run a fast race with being healthy. But they aren’t the same. Unfortunately, if you take a quick look around at your next group run or race, you’ll note that more of your running mates may be classified as unhealthy than they would like to admit – nagging injuries, frequent colds, or unhealthy practices outside running that …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to optimize your diet to balance your pH levels and …

WebThe positive or negative number next to each food item indicates its potential alkalinity (+) or acidity (-) per gram. The higher the positive number the better the food is to help you reduce the lactic acid and balance the carbon dioxide levels running may build up in your body. Alkaline. Neutral. Alfalfa Grass +29.3.

Category:  Food Go Health

How Does Running Affect Your Immune System

WebThe research on the effects of running on the immune system. The first study we’ll examine was published by L. Spence and coworkers in 2007. 1. His study looked at the incidence of upper-respiratory infections (e.g. a cold) in three groups of subjects over a five-month period: Elite athletes, recreational athletes, and sedentary control subjects.

Category:  Health Go Health

Running and Weight Loss: How to Safely Lose Weight …

WebBody weight and image are common concerns among runners at all levels. Some runners are new to the sport and incorporate running as a healthy way to promote weight loss. Some runners have been in the sport for a while and are curious if weight loss will help improve performance. Whatever the case, weight loss and

Category:  Health Go Health

Thyroid Imbalance in Runners: A Look at the Impact of …

WebLater research published in 2003 by L. Baylor and A. Hackney confirmed that intense training has an effect on thyroid hormone levels in female athletes, but interestingly, their study demonstrated that not all women respond the same.7 17. Female athletes underwent an intense training regimen of running, rowing and weight lifting for five months.

Category:  Health Go Health

Sugar for Runners: Just How Bad is it

WebCertainly, more research is needed, but a few things are clear. First, for sedentary people (and probably for runners on their off-days), eating foods with lots of added sugar is a bad idea. This means typical junk foods like candy and deserts, but also sports drinks and juice blends. Whole fruits and vegetables get a pass—for unknown …

Category:  Food Go Health

Could Eating Too Much Protein Increase Your Risk of …

Web1. Itoh, R.; Nishiyama, N.; Suyama, Y., Dietary protein intake and urinary excretion of calcium: a cross-sectional study in a healthy Japanese population.

Category:  Health Go Health

Running on No Sleep: How it Effects Performance on Race …

WebLevels of cortisol, the “stress hormone” connected with overtraining in runners, increased markedly, and glucose tolerance dropped.These signs are all classically associated with aging. At the end of the week, the subjects who had poor sleep for six nights in a row exhibited hormonal levels that could have been mistaken for those of a 50 or

Category:  Health Go Health

Think Running is all You Need to Keep Your Heart Healthy

WebAs we stated in the post, there are still some limitations in the research, which can be very frustrating. One study will find that running is detrimental to heart health, while the next will say it’s just fine. Conflicting, confusing information for any runner, but for aging masters runners, even more so. The heart is, after all, a muscle.

Category:  Health Go Health

How Important is VO2 Max

WebVO2max is measured in ml/kg/min, i.e. milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute, with essentially two determining factors: Since oxygen is critical to running fast, a high VO2 max can be a great representation of your fitness. Essentially, the faster your body can process oxygen, the faster you, potentially, will be able to run.

Category:  Fitness Go Health

Can Long-term Running Impact Joint Health

WebThis is an eye opening post. Thanks. Is there any research on back joints? I am 50 yo male. Like most males in this age group I suffered a sore back, and 4 years ago I started consistent running (2-3 times a week now up to 7-10km a session although I do a half marathon each year).

Category:  Health Go Health

How Coffee Will Help You Run Faster

WebUsing a 5k race as a test run, the researchers found that runners who used caffeine prior to their 5k race improved by 1.0 to 1.1 percent (this means a 20-minute 5k runner would run 10-13 seconds faster just by using caffeine). While this isn’t a huge improvement, it does prove that the science translates to real-life running situations.

Category:  Health Go Health

Collagen for Runners: Should You Believe the Hype

WebAnother important potential benefit to runners, especially us older runners, is the ability for collagen supplementation to improve the strength of our tendons, ligaments and joints and improve flexibility. This is because of the role collagen plays in the health of our connective tissue. With healthy connective tissue, we can improve range of

Category:  Health Go Health

Finding Your Optimal Mileage and Number of Days per Week to Run

WebFor a marathoner, the minimum is probably 25-30 miles per week and for a 5k 10-15 miles per week. All mileage is not created equal. Workouts such as tempo runs and track workouts will wear you down more than easy miles. Keep in mind what percentage of your miles are hard workouts and long runs versus easy miles.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Ultimate Runner’s Guide to Achilles Tendon Injuries

WebThe Achilles tendon is the thickest and strongest tendon in your body, connecting your calf muscles to the back of your heel. Virtually all of the force generated when you “toe off” the ground during running is transmitted by the Achilles, and this force can be as much as three times your body weight. And the faster you run, the more strain

Category:  Health Go Health

The Truth about Sugar for Runners

WebA large banana will break down to 6 teaspoons of sugar, and the average plain bagel will break down to 15.5 teaspoons of sugar in the body. Between the bagel, banana, and bar, these runners were eating the equivalent of almost 33 teaspoons of sugar. That is 5.5 ounces of sugar! And that was just one pre-marathon snack. Now, don’t get …

Category:  Health Go Health

Could Tight Hamstrings Be The Cause of Your Foot Pain

WebFortunately, because of Harty et al.’s study, we have some insight into the actual mechanism of injury. Because having tight hamstrings seems to increase loading on the forefoot and negatively impact your walking gait, it is not a stretch to assume that this will apply to running as well. If anything, running requires more knee range of

Category:  Health Go Health