
lower blood pressure, wellness

Web2. Exercise regularly. Regular physical activity — such as 150 minutes a week, or about 30 minutes most days of the week — can lower your blood pressure by about 5 to 8 mm Hg if you have high blood pressure.

Actived: 3 days ago

URL: https://www.rickysinghmd.com/bloodpressure/

7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

WebAs the COVID-19 pandemic numbers continues to rise, many of my friends and family have asked me how to increase their immunity and defense system against this virus. In addition to following the public health recommendations of social distancing, self-isolation and other mitigation strategies, there are some things you can do to help boost your immunity.

Category:  Health Go Health

Protect Yourself: How to Increase your HDL Cholesterol

WebHere are five healthy ways to raise your “good” HDL cholesterol. Eat olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil may be more healthful than processed olive oils. Olive oil is one of the healthiest fats around. Research has shown that one of olive oil’s heart-healthy effects is an increase in HDL cholesterol. This effect is thought to be caused by

Category:  Health Go Health

Fix Your Knees: The Truth About Knee Health

WebFix Your Knees: The Truth About Knee Health *Disclaimer: Consult your physician/PT before engaging in any exercises mentioned below. Over 100 million Americans have experienced some form of knee pain, and over 1 in 4 …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Back Story Podcast

WebThe Back Story Podcast. The Back Story is your source for the latest in health, wellness and medical care for you and your entire family.Dr. Jaspal Ricky Singh M.D. and the world-renowned physicians at Weill Cornell Medicine, join forces with an expanded network of experts to bring in-depth conversations covering medical research, …

Category:  Medical,  Medicine Go Health

The Science Behind Cold Water Immersion Therapies

WebCold water therapy, or cold immersion, is what it sounds like: immersing yourself in cold water so that your body temperature drops. Examples of cold immersion include: Cold showers or baths. Ice baths (immersion in water between 50 and 60 °F) Cold pools or lakes (for swimming) Taking a walk outdoors in the cold.

Category:  Health Go Health

A Guide to the “Medicinal Diet”

WebA diet high in “good fats” is essential for controlling inflammation, cognitive health, hormone production, cancer prevention, weight loss and cellular healing. Omega-3 fats are natural anti-inflammatories and help counteract the effects of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fats. The best fats include fish like salmon, halibut, tuna and mackerel.

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Osteoporosis New York Osteoporosis Treatment New York

WebDr Jaspal Ricky Singh offers treatment for osteoporosis, often called “the silent disease”, a bone disease characterized by decrease in bone mass and density resulting in brittle, fragile bones that are more susceptible to fractures, even without injury. He also offers tips to prevent osteoporosis.

Category:  Health Go Health

Acupuncture for Pain Management New York

WebAcupuncture was first in the spotlight of the U.S. public in 1971. A New York Times reporter named James Reston was covering Henry Kissinger on a trip to China in 1971 and fell ill to acute appendicitis. His appendix was removed in a modern Chinese hospital using general anesthesia. However for his post-surgical pain he was offered and accepted

Category:  Health Go Health

7 minute workout

WebThis workout will essentially combine the benefits of a long cardio workout as well as resistance training into 7 minutes of HIIT. Directions: 1. Jumping Jack. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Jump feet open as you raise arms up to form an X. Jump feet back together as you lower arms to sides. 2. Wall Sit.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Link Between Weight and Back Pain

WebExcess weight and obesity are linked to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. It is no surprise that it also increases the risk for back pain, joint pain, and muscle strain. The lower back is particularly vulnerable to weight-related pressure. Every extra pound in the belly = 7-10 pounds on the spine.

Category:  Health Go Health

Is your Mattress or Pillow Causing you Spine Pain

WebWe spend nearly one third of our lifetime in bed. It’s natural to presume all this time on mattresses and pillows has an effect on the musculoskeletal system, pain levels while awake, and ultimately our ability to function. The evidence on this topic is sparse. Furthermore the evidence that exists is diluted with sensational articles […]

Category:  Health Go Health

Breast Cancer Awareness: Shoulder Pain

WebBreast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States (other than skin cancer). But millions of women are surviving the disease thanks in part to early detection and improvements in treatment. Shoulder pain in breast cancer survivors is a common condition that should not be ignored. Early detection and treatment are […]

Category:  Cancer Go Health

treadmill vs elliptical

WebCONTROL: One of the main benefits of exercising on a treadmill is the versatility you have.Whether you want to do a brisk walk or an uphill run, you have the option to dial in the exact speed and incline of your workout. LEG STRENGTH: Running or walking on the treadmill can strengthen your leg muscles, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, and …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Much Water Should You Drink

WebYou may have heard that there’s no science behind the age-old advice to drink eight cups of water a day, but how much should you be drinking? It seems like a pretty basic question, but unfortunately there’s no clear-cut answer. Water is the one nutrient we can’t survive without for more than a few days […]

Category:  Health Go Health

Brown Fat, Brown Adipose Tissue: What It Is & What It Means

WebBrown Fat. Brown fat (brown adipose tissue) is a type of body fat that regulates your body temperature in cold conditions. Brown fat activates right before you start to shiver. Brown fat also burns calories and stores energy. You have a small percentage of brown fat in your body compared to white fat.

Category:  Health Go Health

Soaking Up the Sun: Tips to Protect Yourself

WebDid you know? The skin is the largest organ in the body! Probably one of the easiest ways to prevent millions of cases of cancer each year is sunscreen! Staying out of the sun is the best way to avoid sun damage, but most of us go outdoors …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Standing desks: Are they worth the hype

WebStanding desks appear to have a positive influence on overall well-being. In one 7-week study, participants using standing desks reported less stress and fatigue than those who remained seated the entire work day. Studies have found a strong link between increased sitting time and early death.

Category:  Health Go Health

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine NewYork-Presbyterian …

WebDepartment of Rehabilitation Medicine Jaspal R Singh, M.D. www.rickysinghmd.com NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center 525 East 68th Street, Baker 16 New York, NY 10065

Category:  Medical,  Medicine Go Health

Biceps Tendon Strengthening Exercises

WebRotate your body in the opposite direction of the raised arm until you feel a stretch in your biceps. Hold 15 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Biceps curl: Stand and hold a 5- to 8-pound weight in your hand. If you do not have a weight, use a soup can or hammer. Bend your elbow and bring your hand (palm up) toward your shoulder.

Category:  Health Go Health