
Vaccine Information Statement

WebDocument method of providing vaccine information sheets and emergency use authorization fact sheets for all customers receiving vaccinations. Educate the public on where to find information regarding vaccinations, including both benefits and potential side-effects. Remain compliant with state laws regarding VIS and EUA sheets.

Actived: 6 days ago

URL: https://www.powellhealth.org/on-demand-courses/vaccine-information-statement

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WebThe immunization training reviews current immunizations, guidelines, schedules, storage, documentation, recognizing and treating emergency reactions to vaccinations, administration protocols and techniques. As part of the training, attendees must safely and successfully administer an intramuscular and subcutaneous injection. The training has

Category:  Health Go Health

Preparing to Vaccinate

WebCreate an immunization station with all needed supplies to provide immunizations to the public. Implement aseptic technique when preparing immunizations. Demonstrate adherence of proper hand hygiene. Assemble all required items for managing an anaphylactic emergency response in each technicians' perspective pharmacy and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Live Training Events

WebTraining Overview. This activity includes 2-hours of live lecture and 1-hour of hands-on immunization administration training. Upon completion of this training, participants will be prepared to provide immunizations at their place of employment based on federal and state law, the scope of practice, and requirements of supervision.

Category:  Health Go Health

On-Demand Courses

WebOn-Demand Training. Powell Health offers up to six-hours of immunization-based training. Please ensure you are completing your state's training requirements prior to administering immunizations under the supervision of your pharmacist. All technicians should complete separate BLS training, be up to date with bloodborne pathogen training, and

Category:  Health Go Health

Cold Chain and VAERS

WebThis 1-hour activity reviews best practices for vaccine storage and handling, including the cold chain, standard storage and handling operating procedures, temperature-monitoring devices, managing temperature excursions, and …

Category:  Health Go Health