Application Load balancer target groups should define health …

WEBSelect the Health check tab and choose Edit from the Health check settings section. Select the appropriate health check protocol and path, and choose Advanced health check settings to configure other health check settings such as the listening port, thresholds, timeouts, and success codes. Choose Save changes to apply the …

Actived: 6 days ago


Auto Scaling Groups associated with load balancers must use …

WEBThe health status of an instance running within an Auto Scaling Group indicates whether the instance is healthy or unhealthy. If a Classic, Application or Network load balancer is being used to distribute traffic between auto-scaling instances, your Auto Scaling Group (ASG) should be configured to use Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) health checks.

Category:  Health Go Health

Enable enhanced health reporting for Elastic Beanstalk

WEBEnhanced health reporting provides real-time OS and application monitoring for all the instances running in your Elastic Beanstalk environment. The feature provides enhanced visibility into your Elastic Beanstalk environment activity using an expanded set of Amazon CloudWatch metrics, enabling you to easily trace and troubleshoot any issues

Category:  Health Go Health

Breaking the Burnout Cycle: Addressing Mental Health and the link …

WEBAlert Fatigue And Burnout Among Cloud Security Professionals As cloud security becomes increasingly complex, the risk of burnout and alert fatigue among professionals in this field is drastically on the rise. According to a survey conducted by (ISC)1 in 2021, which included 3,450 cybersecurity professionals from around the world, …

Category:  Health Go Health

HEALTHCHECK instructions should be added to container images

WEBTherefore, to ensure regular health checks on your running containers, including the HEALTHCHECK instruction in the Dockerfile is important. If a container fails the health check, the Docker engine may terminate it and create a new one, ensuring the overall availability and reliability of the system and its running applications.

Category:  Health Go Health

Enable managed platform updates for Elastic Beanstalk

WEBFor better security, performance, and health, it is always recommended to run your Amazon Elastic Beanstalk (EB) environments with the latest version of the application platform. The platform versions released regularly by Amazon Elastic Beanstalk include new features, security and performance improvements, and bug fixes.

Category:  Health Go Health

Audit logging must be enabled for DocumentDB clusters

WEBTo monitor the health of your Amazon DocumentDB clusters and gain a better insight into the database activity, you must enable audit logging at the cluster level. This will record information about the events performed on your Amazon DocumentDB database clusters, such as successful and failed authentication attempts or creating …

Category:  Health Go Health

EKS clusters should use the latest Kubernetes version

WEBFor better security, performance, and health, it is always recommended to run your Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters with the latest version of the Kubernetes platform. The Kubernetes project team periodically releases new software versions that include new features, security and performance improvements, and bug fixes.

Category:  Health Go Health

Enable auto minor version upgrades for Amazon ElastiCache for

WEBFor better functionality and health, you should maintain your ElastiCache for Redis cache clusters up to date by enabling automatic minor version upgrades. This type of upgrade is automatically performed when the minor engine version number changes; for example, upgrading ElastiCache for Redis engine version from 6.0 to 6.2 is considered a

Category:  Health Go Health

Athena workgroups should enforce encryption at rest

WEBIf your Athena workgroups are working with sensitive information such as Protected Health Information (PHI) or Personally Identifiable Financial Information (PIFI), it is crucial to enable encryption at rest, also known as Server-Side Encryption (SSE), in order to protect against data exposure. By enabling encryption at rest, you can ensure

Category:  Health Go Health

Automatic version upgrades must be enabled for Redshift clusters

WEBFor better security, performance, and health, running your Amazon Redshift data warehouse clusters with the latest version of the Redshift engine is always recommended. AWS periodically releases new Redshift engine versions, including new features, security and performance improvements, and bug fixes. New engine versions …

Category:  Health Go Health

Enable Container Insights for ECS clusters AWS Plerion

WEBGetting operational visibility into your AWS cloud resources is crucial for maintaining the health, security, and performance of your cloud applications. With CloudWatch Container Insights, a cloud-based monitoring and troubleshooting service for Amazon ECS, you can collect, combine, and summarize metrics and logs from the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Enable automatic minor version upgrades for RDS database

WEBFor better functionality and health, you should maintain your Amazon RDS database instances up to date by enabling automatic minor version upgrades. This type of upgrade is automatically performed when the minor engine version number changes; for example, upgrading the MySQL database engine version from 5.7.39 to 5.7.40 is …

Category:  Health Go Health

AMIs should not be publicly accessible AWS Plerion

WEBAn Amazon Machine Image (AMI) can contain one or more snapshots that store sensitive data such as Protected Health Information (PHI) or Personally Identifiable Financial Information (PIFI). When an AMI is publicly accessible (i.e. publicly shared), the image is immediately available in the Community AMIs repository, where other AWS …

Category:  Health Go Health

Detect EC2 instances with low severity secrets exposure

WEBHere are some steps you can take to mitigate the exposure: Assess the severity of the sensitive data: Understanding the potential impact of the sensitive data is crucial in determining the urgency and priority of the remediation. Identify affected systems: Plerion has identified which EC2 instances are affected by the sensitive data and

Category:  Health Go Health

Use Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) to Ensure Only Traffic From

WEBHowever, it's necessary to restrict access to both your apps and the VMs using firewall rules that only permit the proxy IAP IP addresses within the subnet. If this step is overlooked, unauthorized requests may be made to your apps. Additionally, it's important to allow health checks to ensure that load balancing functions …

Category:  Health Go Health

Ensure That Cloud Audit Logging Is Configured Properly Across All

WEBEnabling Cloud Audit Logging to monitor administrative activities and access to user data is strongly advised. Rationale. For every project, folder, and organization, Cloud Audit Logging keeps two audit logs: Admin Activity and Data Access.

Category:  Health Go Health

RDS instance snapshots should not be publicly accessible

WEBAmazon RDS is used by many organizations to store sensitive data such as Protected Health Information (PHI) or Personally Identifiable Financial Information (PIFI). When an Amazon RDS database instance snapshot is publicly accessible (i.e. the snapshot is shared as a public resource), the snapshot is available to all other AWS cloud …

Category:  Health Go Health

Amazon S3 buckets should not be publicly accessible

WEBAmazon S3, a performant, durable, highly scalable object storage service from AWS, is used by many organizations to store sensitive data such as Protected Health Information (PHI) or Personally Identifiable Financial Information (PIFI)

Category:  Health Go Health

SNS topics should not be publicly accessible AWS Plerion

WEBAmazon SNS, a fully managed, performant messaging service for pub/sub messaging, email, SMS, and mobile push notifications, is used by many organizations to process sensitive data such as Protected Health Information (PHI) or Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Category:  Health Go Health

Athena workgroups should enforce configuration to prevent

WEBIn accordance with the Shared Responsibility Model, AWS is responsible for protecting the cloud infrastructure and AWS customers are responsible for managing and protecting their data in AWS cloud, including configuration work to enforce encryption of data.To ensure that sensitive data is protected at all times in Amazon Athena, it is …

Category:  Health Go Health

Unused EC2 security groups should be removed from your AWS

WEBA good security hygiene is vital for keeping your AWS environment safe and secure. To follow security best practices and protect your AWS cloud resources and the workloads running on these resources against unauthorized access, you should identify and remove any unused Amazon EC2 security groups available in your AWS account.

Category:  Health Go Health