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In 2019, UNU-IIGH research focused on helping to answer the critical question: How can we ensure that countries, health systems, and … See more

Actived: 4 days ago

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Reimagining Human Rights in Global Health: What Will it Take

WebSofia Gruskin is the Director of the University of Southern California (USC) Institute on Inequalities in Global Health. She is Professor of Preventive Medicine and Chief of the Disease Prevention, Policy and Global Health Division at the Keck School of Medicine, Professor of Law and Preventive Medicine at the Gould School of Law, and an affiliate …

Category:  Medicine Go Health

Global Health and Human Rights for a Post-pandemic World

WebIn the WHO Constitution, world leaders proclaimed “the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being”. The true meaning and purpose of this statement, while never fully realised, have never seemed more distant. It took just a few weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic for the gains of

Category:  Health Go Health

Fundamental Power in Life: Mental Health and Well-being as a …

WebWhat is needed is (1) to ensure inclusion of mental health in the post-2015 development agenda, other global priorities and beyond and (2) to integrate mental well-being as a key indicator of sustainable development through United Nations processes including resolutions and inter-agency collaborations. With the deadline for the Millennium

Category:  Health Go Health

The World Health Assembly Special Session and the Pandemic …

WebAt the World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting in May 2021, member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) could not reach a consensus on pursuing a pandemic treaty. Instead, they agreed to hold a WHA special session to discuss the development of “a convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic preparedness and

Category:  Health Go Health

Addressing Gender-related Barriers to COVID-19 Vaccinations to …

WebOnly 15% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and even where vaccines are available, access and uptake are impeded by gender-related barriers and inequities.

Category:  Health Go Health

New Research Says Plant-based Diet Best for Planet and People

WebIn the study, published in the November 12 online edition of Nature, the researchers found that as incomes increased between 1961 and 2009 people began consuming more meat protein, “empty calories” and total calories per person. (“Empty calories” — sugar, fat, oils and alcohol — now account for almost 40 percent of food purchased in

Category:  Food Go Health

SMS for Healthy, AIDS-free Babies

WebIn rural Zambia and Malawi, new mums face long delays finding out if they have passed HIV on to their babies. “What we found with these rural clinics is that often the test results never came back, whatsoever,” Erica Kochi, of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Innovation Unit in New York, told IPS.

Category:  Health Go Health

Climate Change’s Impact on Mental Health Is Overlooked and

WebDr Sanae Okamoto is a psychologist and behavioural scientist with a background in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and behavioural economics. She has expertise in both industry and academia by applying psychology and behavioural science insights towards diverse objectives such as circular economy, climate resilience, and mental health and …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Climate Change, Migration, and Health (Care) Nexus: …

WebTo address the health (care) impact of climate change and (climate-induced) migration in a comprehensive way, the Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health, advising the European Commission, calls for a more intersectoral approach: “Migration (and refugee-crisis), climate change and capacity building (for healthcare, education, food production …

Category:  Food Go Health

Small Data Approaches Provide Nuance and Context to Health …

WebThe trend of tracking health and well-being using digital technologies has permeated mainstream culture. The real-time monitoring capabilities, interactive decision-support algorithms and diagnostic testing features of digital health devices have drawn the interest of users everywhere, including the Global South. Applying tools such as predictive …

Category:  Health Go Health

Climate Change a Threat to Security, Food and Humankind: IPCC …

WebClimate change posed a threat to global food stocks, and to human security, the blockbuster report said. “Nobody on this planet is going to be untouched by the impacts of climate change,” said Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the IPCC. Monday’s report was the most sobering so far from the UN climate panel and, scientists said, the most definitive.

Category:  Food Go Health

How to Improve Our Relationship with Nature After Coronavirus

WebThe underlying mechanism is called “the dilution effect” and it works by reducing both the relative density of animals that serve as a natural reservoir for pathogens and the population density of the pathogen vectors, such as ticks. This means fewer encounters between vectors and the animals they infect with the disease.

Category:  Health Go Health

Protecting Environmental Water from Antimicrobial Resistance

WebThe overuse and misuse of antimicrobial medicines and chemicals has become the main driver of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and drug-resistant infections that threaten human health and the global economy.. Given that development, the United Nations designated 18–24 November 2021 as World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, to remind us all to …

Category:  Medicine Go Health

Slow Food Movement Growing Fast

WebThe answer is ‘Slow Food’, according to a growing number of people worldwide. The Slow Food movement originated in Italy in 1989 as a response to the growth of fast food and other changes in the food system worldwide, of which Our World readers are well aware. After 25 years the movement now boasts millions of members from more than 1,500

Category:  Food Go Health

World Population Day: Women and Girls Vulnerable in Emergencies

WebThis year, the United Nations theme for World Population Day (marked annually on 11 July) is ultra relevant and compelling. The world is seeing a record number of people displaced by crises — some 60 million according to the latest UN figures. As humanitarian workers, observers, media headlines and statistics attest, the vulnerability of

Category:  Health Go Health

The Surprising Healing Qualities of Dirt

WebThe Surprising Healing Qualities… of Dirt. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY : Agriculture, Food, Sustainability, Health, Land Management. 2014•02•22 Daphne Miller. Photo: Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Health Campaign. CC BY 2.0 (cropped). Recently I’ve been enjoying dirty thoughts.

Category:  Food Go Health

Envision 2050: The Future of Oceans

WebExplorer, Filmmaker and Water Advocate. My vision for the oceans in 2050 is one of abundance, diversity, purity. While most predictions point to a darker future for the oceans, I do believe that it is possible to have more fish, sea turtles, dolphins, whales and sharks in our lifetimes. But we have to start acting now.

Category:  Health Go Health

Sick Cities: A Scenario for Dhaka City

WebBangladesh has shown substantial success with respect to health and development over the past few years. Accomplishments include achieving Millenium Development Goal (MDG) 4 for the reduction of mortality amongst children under age 5 and making remarkable progress towards MDG 5 for improved maternal health.. However, the rapid growth of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Toxic E-Waste Dumped in Poor Nations, Says United Nations

WebMillions of mobile phones, laptops, tablets, toys, digital cameras and other electronic devices bought this Christmas are destined to create a flood of dangerous “e-waste” that is being dumped illegally in developing countries, the UN has warned. The global volume of electronic waste is expected to grow by 33 percent in the next four years

Category:  Health Go Health