Clinical Reasoning In Nursing (Explained W/ Example)

Clinical reasoning in nursing is dynamic and adaptive, as nurses continuously gather new information and adjust care plans based on patient responses. It’s a … See more

Actived: 2 days ago


What is the "5 Whys" Technique

WEBThe “5 Whys” technique is a problem-solving and root cause analysis method that aims to identify the underlying causes of a problem by asking “why” multiple …

Category:  Health Go Health

What Is Nursing Assessment

WEBNursing assessment is important because it establishes a baseline understanding of a patient’s condition, enabling accurate diagnosis, personalized care …

Category:  Health Go Health

8 Stages Of The Clinical Reasoning Cycle

WEBThe clinical reasoning cycle, developed by Tracy-Levett Jones, breaks down this process into eight phases that healthcare professionals can follow to make informed …

Category:  Health Go Health

9 Common pulse points – (Anatomical pulse sites with …

WEB9 Common Pulse Points. 9 most commonly assessed pulse points on the body by nurses are: Temporal pulse – over the temple. Carotid pulse – at the side of the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Subjective VS Objective Data In Nursing Assessment: What's the

WEBThe elevated heart rate, tenderness on palpation, and abnormal laboratory results (objective data) provide additional clues that support a more informed …

Category:  Health Go Health

10 Components Of Nursing Health History

WEBLast updated on December 28th, 2023. Performing a comprehensive nursing health history is crucial for effective patient care. This nursing assessment process involves collecting …

Category:  Health Go Health

Ibuprofen Nursing Implications and Patient Teachings

WEBIbuprofen is a propionic acid group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which is a relatively new class of NSAIDs. These medications are similar to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Vancomycin Nursing Implications Patient Teachings MOA

WEBThe dosage of vancomycin is adjusted based on the needs of the patient. Vancomycin’s usual dosages for adults and children are as follows. Adults: PO: 125 – …

Category:  Health Go Health

Metformin (Glucophage) nursing implications Patient Teachings

WEBTeach the patient/family about the signs and symptoms of lactic acidosis (such as hyperventilation, fatigue, malaise, chills, myalgia, somnolence). Then, instruct …

Category:  Health Go Health

Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements

WEBThe nursing diagnosis “Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements” was originally approved in 1975, and it has undergone revisions in the years 2000, 2017, …

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

What Is The Nursing Process

WEBIn conclusion, the 5 stages of the nursing process (acronym for ADPIE) serve as a framework for delivering quality nursing care that is holistic, patient-centered, …

Category:  Health Go Health

20 NANDA nursing diagnosis for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

WEBIn nursing, the term chronic kidney disease (CKD) refers to progressive, irreversible kidney damage or a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) that lasts …

Category:  Health Go Health

Nursing Concept Map (FREE Template)

WEBIn the context of nursing, a concept map is a visual representation that illustrates the relationships between various nursing concepts and their connections within a particular …

Category:  Health Go Health

Gravidity & Parity and GTPAL (Explained with Examples)

WEBGravidity and parity, and GTPAL are systems used in health assessment to record woman’s obstetric history. Gravidity and parity (G P) is a basic 2-digit system that …

Category:  Health Go Health

Sims' Position Purpose Variations Procedure

WEBTo place position in the left Sims’ position, keep the bed flat and turn the patient to left lateral position. upper body lies partially on abdomen, with left arm …

Category:  Health Go Health

Aspirin Nursing Considerations and Patient Teaching

WEBAspirin nursing considerations are divided into nursing assessment, interventions, and evaluation. Nursing Assessment: Obtain medical and drug history …

Category:  Medical Go Health

12 NANDA-I nursing diagnosis for Diabetic Keto Acidosis (DKA

WEBLast updated on December 28th, 2023. In this post, you will find 12 NANDA-I nursing diagnosis for Diabetic Keto Acidosis (DKA).These include actual and risk nursing …

Category:  Health Go Health

OLD CARTS Acronym (Explained W/ Questions)

WEBThe ‘OLD CARTS’ stands for the acronym for Onset, Location, Duration, Character, Aggravating factors, Relieving factors, Timing, and Severity. This mnemonic …

Category:  Health Go Health