Lorraine Brimhall, MPAS, PA-C

WebLorraine Brimhall MPAS, PA-C is a board certified Physician Associate. She has been working along-side board certified psychiatrists providing mental health care to adolescents and adults in both an inpatient and outpatient setting for the past 8 years. She has experience diagnosing and treating a wide variety of mental health disorders

Actived: 1 days ago


The Sleep-Deprived Teen

WebSleep deprivation among teens has become an epidemic in recent years and is being linked by researchers and mental health professionals not only to daytime grumpiness, but to adolescent obesity, drug use, depression, school …

Category:  Health Go Health

Racism and Teen Mental Health

WebRacism has a profound impact on the mental health of teenagers. According to an article published in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America Journal, minority teens and adolescents face mental health disparities due to racism, experiencing higher rates of stress, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.The …

Category:  Health Go Health

Emotional Trauma Symptoms in Teens New Haven Treatment …

WebLess communication with family and close friends. Poor self-care. Drastic changes in interests and hobbies. Sleep changes, including nightmares, fatigue, and insomnia. Appetite changes. Seeming to “recreate” the trauma by putting herself in similar situations. Difficulty concentrating. Easily startled.

Category:  Health Go Health

Melanie Robinson, CMHC

WebMelanie Robinson, CMHC. Clinical Director. Rosa Parks House. Melanie is known for her compassion. She has a long-standing history of working with adolescents. Melanie is talented in her ability to create strong connections with those she interacts with. She has a fun sense of humor, and may just crack some jokes when you are around.

Category:  Health Go Health

Exploring Types of Mental Health Treatment Centers

WebWe treat a variety of mental illness, including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, substance abuse, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, self-harm, and eating disorders. We are an evidence-based treatment center, which means that we use outcomes data to guide the therapeutic process.

Category:  Health Go Health

Treatment Program

WebAs you have undoubtedly found, healing your child with behavioral health challenges is a complex process. Since 1995, New Haven has been helping families get their child back.While students and families coming to New Haven will experience a wide range of emotions, most everyone feels these three things: hopeless, helpless, and out of control.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Power of Choice: Taking Control of Your Life

WebThe concept of choice is powerful. It allows for internal locus of control to take the reins in life decisions rather than seeing external situations as single -handedly determining our life direction. It pulls us away from the message of “Make this choice because you have to” and teaches the lesson of “Make this choice because it will

Category:  Health Go Health

Stabilization and Assessment

WebWith over 100 years of combined experience, our therapists and mental health specialists will help your child overcome mental health challenges.

Category:  Health Go Health

Measuring Outcomes in Residential Treatment

WebCollecting outcomes is a best-practice for any treatment program or institution. Measuring treatment outcomes is vital in determining the level of effectiveness, and improving quality of care. At New Haven, practice-based research is a top priority. We have been collecting and analyzing data on our outcomes for more than 10 years as a …

Category:  Health Go Health

Mobile Therapy Apps

WebMobile Therapy Apps. If you Google “mental health apps,” you’ll immediately see that there is a burgeoning array of mobile phone applications designed to complement, and in some cases even replace, traditional human-based therapy. Apps like WhatsMyM3 are psycho-therapeutic assessment tools designed to measure the user’s risk for certain

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Develop Strong Family Foundations

WebDiscover effective strategies and tips for building strong family foundations. Enhance family bonds and create a supportive environment. Improve your family's well-being today!

Category:  Health Go Health

Turning Crisis Into Opportunity New Haven Residential …

WebFollowing a family crisis–while your still open, flexible and a little messy inside—is the best time to break the old habits that festered into dysfunction in the first place and create some new ones. The good news is that a lot of personal growth work can be awfully nice! Following are several areas to explore that can complement the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Relational Therapy 101: Parents Guide to Selecting Residential

WebSome teens struggle with non-verbal learning disabilities (NLD) or with reactive attachment disorder (RAD). These kids perceive relationships and respond to relational therapy differently than other children. New Haven’s relational therapy experts are trained to connect with – and assist – all of these kinds of needs. 5.

Category:  Health Go Health