Watching Birds Near Your Home is Good for Your Mental Health

WEBThe research is published in the journal Bioscience and was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council as conducted as part of the Fragments, Functions, Flows and Ecosystem Services project. Dr Daniel Cox, of the University of Exeter: Watching birds near your home is good for your mental health.

Actived: 1 days ago


The Connection between Nature and Mental Health

WEBDaily contact with nature has a positive impact on our social, psychological and physical health, and is an important factor to keep us connected to our natural environment. In the last few decades humans have become more sedentary, and less inclined to spend time in nature. This is causing a disconnect with nature, and with our own well-being.

Category:  Health Go Health

How Nature Supports a Sense of Belonging and Well-being

WEBResearch shows that exposure to nature is correlated with improved well-being and a stronger sense of belonging. Both of these factors contribute not only to our quality of life, but also to our morbidity and even mortality! Time in nature has quantifiable physiologica l effects, including changes to brain activity, reduced stress hormones

Category:  Health Go Health

Keeping Birds Safe At Your Feeder

WEBUse these best practices for feeding birds to keep wild bird safe from any harm! The Canadian Wildlife Health Co-operative (CWHC) has published a new technical report called “Strategies to Prevent and Control Bird-Feeder Associated Diseases and Threats.”. The report was prompted by the widespread trichomonosis outbreak in 2017 that extended

Category:  Health Go Health

What Does Biodiversity Mean to You

WEBIt is the source of food, fuel and water. It provides life-giving and irreplaceable services such as nutrient cycling, photosynthesis, water purification, climate regulation, pollination. Changes in biodiversity can therefore have profound effects on our health, livelihoods, culture and security.

Category:  Food Go Health

The importance of connecting children to nature

WEBThe solution is simple, take your kids outside and (re)discover nature in your neighbourhood. From watching a bee pollinate a flower, to watching birds at your feeder, you will find nearby nature all around. Nature Canada’s NatureHood program does just that – connects people of all ages to nature right where they live through celebratory

Category:  Health Go Health

Protecting a seabird haven – from seafloor to sea surface

WEBNACES is one of the most important concentrations of migratory seabirds in the Atlantic and the first discovery of seabird concentrations of this magnitude ever documented on the high seas. 06/14/2023. Through a huge collaborative effort led by BirdLife International, a major seabird hotspot was discovered in the middle of the North …

Category:  Health Go Health

What is NatureHood

WEBThe goal of our NatureHood program is to connect Canadians from coast to coast to nearby nature, particularly young people and marginalized communities. The program is a response to society’s growing disconnect from nature, and an acknowledgement that many complex barriers limit people’s access to nature. This includes factors such as

Category:  Health Go Health

Canada’s Parks Day and the Benefits of Being in Nature

WEB07/11/2017. According to Statistics Canada, as of 2011, more than 80% of Canadians today live in urban areas. While the amenities of big-city life are a significant draw, the benefits of spending time in nature, for both children and adults, are unquestionable. Getting children out in nature is crucial to their growth.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Harmful Effects of Microplastics and 10 Ways You Can Prevent …

WEBEnsure that the materials you are putting in the recycling can be recycled by your municipality and are not contaminated. Take Action with Nature Canada’s 30×30 Defend Nature campaign to demand Canada’s leaders to meet their goal to protect 30% of land, freshwater and oceans by 2030.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Urgency and Opportunity to Increase the Access of All …

WEBThe benefits of urban forests, defined as all natural and planted trees in or near an urban area, are well known. However, research finds that there is inequitable access to urban forests and green spaces. Urban tree canopy tends to be higher in higher-income neighbourhoods with fewer minority residents. Unequal access of low-income …

Category:  Health Go Health

Screen Time vs Green Time

WEBWalk to school and give yourself enough time to walk slowly and look at the birds; Schedule time for nature together, such as an after-dinner walk or a weekend nature hike; Join a nature club for a range of nature-based activities and events for families. Download our TIP SHEET and read more tips on how to reduce screen time and get into nature.

Category:  Health Go Health

Screen Time vs. Green Time Campaign

WEB87% of pre-school children and 85% of school-aged children do not meet the guidelines for adequate sleep, physical activity and screen time; Students in grades 7 to 12 are spending up to 7 hours a day on screens, more than three and a half times the recommended limit of 2 hours per day; Higher duration of screen time was linked with poorer behavioural …

Category:  Health Go Health

Indigenous Leadership Critical To Successful Forest Restoration …

WEBRestoring forests is an urgent policy priority. It provides a nature-centered solution to address global concerns such as climate change, natural disasters, food, and water insecurity. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the southern tip of Ontario to the Mackenzie River valley, forests cover about 38 percent of Canada’s territory².

Category:  Food Go Health

7 Most Common Household Bugs That Aren’t Harmful

WEBThe Ladybug. Ladybugs, are one of the most harmless insects you can come across. They may be a nuisance if they come inside your home but they do no harm. They do play a role in eating smaller pests such as mites, aphids, and fruit flies. So they actually do you a favor by ensuring there is no infestation of smaller pests in your home.

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Lake Ontario’s Eastern Basin is a Biogem that Needs Protection

WEBMeet some Lake Ontario’s species at risk: Blanding’s Turtle. 1. Blanding’s Turtle. Despite being able to live to be 80 years old, Blanding’s Turtles are disappearing and are a species at risk in Ontario. They may have long natural lifespans, but Blanding’s Turtles remain unprotected from their greatest threats: habitat loss and road

Category:  Health Go Health

Get to Know the Pine Marten

WEBAmerican Martens are long and slender animals, typical of the Mustelidae. The male measures 360-450 mm and the tail adds another 150-230 mm. They weigh between 470-1300 g. Females are slightly smaller and lighter, with head-body lengths between 320-400 mm and tails measuring 135-200 mm. They weigh between 280-850 g.

Category:  Health Go Health