Mental Health Toolkit

WebThe Facts. A major survey of 25,164 Ontario university students by the American College Health Association showed that between 2013 and 2016, there was a 50% increase in anxiety, a 47% increase in depression and an 86% increase in substance abuse. Suicide attempts also rose 47% during that period.

Actived: 6 days ago


Mental Health Toolkit

WebTake a moment to read their stories and understand how mental health affected their professional work. Learn from their resilience and valour and help create a medical laboratory united-front against mental health stigma. With encouragement and fortitude, CSMLS welcomes the 2018 Faces of Mental Health:

Category:  Medical Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebMental Health is the focus of the current Toolkit. The phrase ‘mental health problems and illnesses’ represents “a range of behaviours, thoughts and emotions that can result in some level of distress or impairment in areas such as school, work, social and family interactions, and the ability to live independently.”.

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebThe Workplace Strategies for Mental Health website provides strategy tools and documents for unions to help support advocacy and support member’s expectations. Find Unions Strategies to Help Workers with Mental Health Issues! Here are 20 questions unions should ask (or you should ask what your union does) to increase mental health awareness

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebIn this episode, we discuss the importance of having open dialogue about mental health issues. CSMLS Researcher Laura Zychla reports on the research she conducted with medical lab professionals. We also discuss the CSMLS Mental Health Toolkit and other strategies to help deal with workplace stress that can impact your mental health.

Category:  Medical Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebWe have compiled this award-winning Mental Health Toolkit to provide members and organizations with the means needed to identify, monitor, and implement change for the betterment of the medical laboratory profession. Stress is a universal concept that affects everyone in all aspects of their lives. It isn’t always a ‘bad thing’ as stress

Category:  Medical Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebMental wellbeing is a significant predictor of educational attainment. 4. Colleges spend approximately $206 million a year to support at-risk students while the provincial funding is about $45 million. Unfortunately, post-secondary institutions ( PSIs) have faced challenges when attempting to prevent, identify and treat mental illnesses on campus.

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebYes No. Learn more about your mental health and wellbeing : If you require immediate assistance or are concerned for your safety, call 911 or go to your nearest hospital. The contents of the resources within the Mental Health Toolkit are offered for information purposes only. Every situation is different and you should consider your own

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebBullying – The repeated, persistent, continuous behaviour as opposed to a single negative act and is generally associated with a power imbalance between the victim and perpetrator, where the victim feels inferior.. Burnout – Is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by long-term exposure to demanding work situations. Burnout is the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebThe contents of the resources within the Mental Health Toolkit are offered for information purposes only. Every situation is different and you should consider your own circumstances before making decisions about employment and treatment options.

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebManaging Mental Health Matters (MMHM) is a “first of its kind” program focused on helping managers, supervisors and other leaders learn how to effectively recognize and manage mental health related issues in the workplace. MMHMs uses a story-based approach, portraying realistic episodes of workplace “characters” dealing with situations

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebThe By Health for Health Collaborative of Canada, led in partnership with the Mental Health Commission of Canada and HealthCareCAN, has a vision for healthcare workplaces to be leaders and role models in providing psychologically healthy and safe work environments for all Canadians. The Declaration of Commitment to Psychological Health and Safety in …

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

Web1/3. According to the World Health Organization, there are 5 key barriers for organizations to overcome in order to increase the accessibility of mental health services. Absence of mental health from the public health agenda and the implications for funding. Current organization of mental health services. Lack of integration within primary care.

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebIn 2013, the voluntary National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace was released and included guidelines, tools and resources focused on promoting employees’ psychological health and preventing psychological harm due to workplace. It was championed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and developed …

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

Web7. Include everyone. In Canada, it is against the law for employers and people who provide services to discriminate against people with mental health and substance use problems. Denying people access to things such as jobs, housing and health care, which the rest of us take for granted, violates human rights.

Category:  Health Go Health

Your Voice – Mental Health and Professional Advice

WebThese words reinforced that we need to stand together as a professional community and support one another. Through the Mental Health Initiative, which includes this Toolkit, our signed Declaration to support mental health in the workplace and continued efforts to advocate on your behalf, is important to CSMLS and our members.

Category:  Health Go Health


Web1. Empowering healthcare providers to advocate for their mental health and wellbeing in the workplace 2. Promoting timely and appropriate mental health care and support for healthcare professions who work directly and indirectly with patients 3. Advocating for more mental health care services and to remove barriers for the uptake of those services 4. …

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebWe care about mental health! Health care workers are more likely to miss work due to illness or disability than people in all other sectors. We face higher rates of burnout, compassion fatigue and sleep deprivation that can impact our …

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Toolkit

WebCe sondage a également révélé que de plus en plus d’étudiants font rapport de détresse qu’il y a trois ans. Santé Canada a affirmé que la majorité des problèmes de santé mentale commencent à apparaître pendant l’adolescence et au début de l’âge adulte, coïncidant avec le début des études postsecondaires au Canada.

Category:  Health Go Health