Import Weight to Apple Health App

WebSaturday may 21 - 230 lbs. This is fine, but we change this data so that the Apple Health App understands the data. Grab your phone and open “Weigh In”. Hit “Weigh In Now” at the bottom. Type in your weight and hit “Confirm”. This has now created a set of data for us. Now we need to export the data from the app so we have a CSV file

Actived: 2 days ago


Day in the Life of Someone in the Apple Ecosystem

WebIt’s about 6 am. I’ve changed it so that my alarm doesn’t go off, but instead makes my Apple Watch vibrate when it’s time to wake up. This helps me not wake up Madelyn or baby Haven in the morning.

Category:  Health Go Health

Malachi Corliss Articles

WebThese are my latest updates to things I have been working on! This list gets updated regularly!

Category:  Health Go Health

Whoop Vs. Fitbit Vs. Apple Watch

WebThis past year, I’ve really gotten into fitness tracking (for better or for worse). I used to use an Apple Watch Series 3 a few years ago, but I got rid of it because of the distractions it caused for me. I always felt like I was looking down at my wrist when I got notifications, and it was causing me to get distracted easily.

Category:  Fitness Go Health