How Seniors Develop, Manage, and Fight Lung Cancer

There are many causes for lung cancer that affect all age groups. So why are seniors one of the largest groups diagnosed? Lung cancer can be caused by many things, with primary reasons including harmful … See more

Actived: 5 days ago


Can Lung Cancer Go Into Remission

WEBRemission is possible for lung cancer patients. Reduction in tumor growth must last one month minimum before doctors consider it in remission. Additionally, just because the patient has reached this point in their lung cancer timeline, doesn’t mean they’re cured or free of cancer. Doctors will use medical imaging, blood tests, or biopsies

Category:  Cancer,  Medical Go Health

The Risk of Lung Cancer Among Plumbers and Pipefitters

WEBA study of toxic exposure among carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and painters in Great Britain estimated that men born between 1950 and 1964 had the highest proportion of …

Category:  Health Go Health

5 Emotional & Mental Health Stages of a Cancer Diagnosis

WEBThe 5 Stages of Cancer Emotions. Many people with a serious diagnosis often undergo the cancer grieving process. According to the Kubler-Ross Model, there …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Smoking Tobacco Health Effects

WEBOver time, nicotine exposure can change the parts of your brain that help you handle stress, learn effectively, and exhibit self-control. Long-term use of tobacco: Is the primary cause …

Category:  Health Go Health

What’s a Carcinogen and How Can it Affect Lung Cancer

WEBAfter prolonged exposure to the fibers, they eventually become lodged in the lungs, potentially causing lung cancer or other related conditions. This is a gas that appears in …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Complementary Treatments and Therapies Lung Cancer

WEBComplementary treatments generally consist of 3 forms of focus: Supplemental, natural health. Physical interventions. Mental/emotional/physical support. More than half of …

Category:  Health Go Health

VA Lung Cancer Assistance for Veterans and Families

WEBVA Lung Cancer Assistance. The Department of Veterans Affairs (commonly referred to as the VA) is responsible for managing the benefits of all qualifying veterans in the United …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Healthy Lung Month October 2022

WEB5) Exercise Is Great for Lung health. When done regularly, exercise can keep your healthy lungs, well, healthy. Physical activity forces your heart and lungs to work …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Hospice & Pain Management Help Lung Cancer …

WEBAt this point, the best thing for the patient is to focus on their quality of life moving forward. Minimizing disease symptoms and providing counseling support towards the end of life …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Much Can You Expect Lung Cancer Treatment To Cost

WEBThe average cost of chemotherapy drugs can range from $1,000 up to $12,000 for each monthly dose. For one year of chemotherapy treatment, the total cost …

Category:  Health Go Health

5 Cancer Blogs for Patients and Families with Lung Cancer

WEB2) – Veterans News and Health Benefits Blog. is a military daily news and resource website specifically for military …

Category:  Health Go Health

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Exposure Lung Cancer Center

WEBVomiting. The long-term health effects of carbon monoxide poisoning include damage to systems that require plenty of oxygen to function. Exposure-related brain damage may …

Category:  Health Go Health

Short-Term Effects of Smoking, Vaping, and Secondhand Smoke

WEBSmoke contains various harmful chemicals and particulate matter that can irritate the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, and lungs, leading to short-term effects of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Smoker's Cough & Lung Cancer Symptoms, Treatment, Causes

WEBDrinking hot tea. Eating cough drops. Adding a humidifier to your home. If your smoker’s cough is persistent after a few weeks, consider seeing your doctor or physician. A continual smoker’s cough can be an early sign of disease, infection, or cancer. Lung cancer’s most common symptom is a chronic cough.

Category:  Cancer Go Health

What Is Smoker Lung

WEBCough. Chest pain. Shortness of breath. Lung infections. Hoarseness. Pain in shoulders, arms, and hands. Unexplained fever. Smoking cigarettes causes more …

Category:  Health Go Health

\US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Risk

WEBAccording to the Department of Veterans Affairs, most veterans don’t experience symptoms of asbestos-caused health problems until 20 to 50 years after exposure. Early …

Category:  Health Go Health

Smoking Effects on Lungs

WEBLung cancer, strokes, or breathing issues are all potential side effects associated with smoke exposure. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Power Plant and Utility-related Workers Lung Cancer Risks

WEBFor workers in the power plant and utility industry, repeated exposure to these carcinogens can lead to long-term health problems like brain or lung cancer. In the U.S., there are …

Category:  Cancer Go Health