
Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries – Diocese of Leeds Learning

WEBSanctuary Mental Health Ministries equips the Church to support mental health and wellbeing. They provide resources that meaningfully engage the topics of faith and mental health. Sanctuary is an ecumenical organization. Their mission, vision, and values are based on the historic Christian faith as understood and revealed through Scripture and

Actived: Just Now

URL: https://learning.leeds.anglican.org/resource/sanctuary-mental-health-ministries/

Living Well, Dying Well – Diocese of Leeds Learning

WEBCovid-19 has made us all think more deeply about health, and in particular, the end of our life. No one likes to think about dying, but it will happen to all of us. This is a powerful opportunity for churches to address the anxiety that many feel, and help those still struggling with coronaphobia. We have a message of hope which bypasses even

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health First Aid starts with you

WEBhealth and the factors that can affect people’s wellbeing, including your own −Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues −Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress −Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening −Knowledge to help someone recover their health by

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health First Aid Training

WEBMental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course which teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. MHFA won’t teach you to be a therapist, but just like physical first aid, it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis.

Category:  Course Go Health

Mental Health First Aid Training

WEBMental Health First Aid Training A day course to equip you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course which teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. MHFA

Category:  Course Go Health

Shameless: A Sexual Reformation – Diocese of Leeds Learning

WEBbook. by Nadia Bolz-Weber. “Nothing gives church folk anxiety quite like the subject of sex. And that’s why in Shameless, Pastor Nadia sets out to reclaim the conversation for a new generation. In the spirit of Martin Luther, Bolz-Weber calls for a reformation of the way believers understand and express their sexuality.

Category:  Health Go Health

Parish Disability Representative – Diocese of Leeds Learning

WEBWe have over 150 parish reps in the Diocese of Leeds, and there is also a central Diocesan Team. We have area teams that you can get involved with for support, advice, and fellowship with people from nearby churches, and we also run regular free training which can help you to learn more about disabilities. For more information about our teams

Category:  Health Go Health

Navigating Climate Grief: What Does it Mean for Christians

WEBHannah Malcolm, 2019 Theology Slam Winner, and Grace Thomas sensitively guide us to enable us to be better informed and improve our mental health. Leave a Review You must be logged in to post a review.

Category:  Health Go Health

What’s in a phone call

WEBhealth vulnerabilities b) there is effective help out there c) it’s a strength to to seek help, and so be in a position to help others d) phoning someone can make all the difference. God Bless, Rev’d Dr Martin Naylor, Incumbent, United Benefice of Batley. Title:

Category:  Health Go Health

Ministry Pathways – Diocese of Leeds Learning

WEBDuring the internship induction week in September you will need to undergo Safeguarding Training and Health and Safety training. Youth Worker; Consult with your church leader to explore the opportunities. Short course: Ministry with Children and Young People followed by ‘pick and mix’ training according to context. Undergo Safeguarding Training

Category:  Course Go Health

Rhythm of Life: Inspiring People

WEBof time resting and focussing on her physical health. One thing she loves to do is walk by the sea, and she says she finds it peaceful. She still loves God very much, even though she doesn’t write music anymore! Vicky also takes lots of breaks from social media to look after her mental health.

Category:  Health Go Health

…learn from Me the unforced rhythms of grace…

WEBto spend more, or live less conveniently for the sake of the good health of all, earth and earthlings! Encouraging others who are working at the forefront of addressing environmental damage and finding ecologically-friendly solutions to the way we are living is an absolute must if we are to

Category:  Health Go Health

Youth Work Conversations – Diocese of Leeds Learning

WEBWhat are some of the issues facing young people and youth work during the lockdown? Weekly conversations exploring the impact and opportunities in areas such as mental health, intergenerational worship, bereavement and social media – and what their legacy might be – are taking place, broadcast live over Facebook.

Category:  Health Go Health

Me and White Supremacy – Layla F Saad (Book Review)

WEBA word of caution – the book comes with a health warning: do not venture in alone, surround yourself with people to share the journey. Three things are required on the way: truth, love and commitment. You need to decide at the outset what will sustain you through the process, for it is a hard road. It asks some hard questions and requires

Category:  Health Go Health

Pastoral Assistant Training ONLINE – Diocese of Leeds Learning

WEBThis level 2, Pastoral Assistant Training consists of ten 2 hour sessions and expands on the level 1 Pastoral Conversations course. Note: It is not necessary to have done level 1 in order to attend level 2. This course is for those worshipping in the Diocese of Leeds who: wish to gain a basic understanding of dementia and mental health.

Category:  Course Go Health

Resting in God Retreat – Diocese of Leeds Learning

WEBHenriette Howarth is an Anglican priest, originally from the Netherlands, but now based in Yorkshire. She is a spiritual director, meditation teacher and has a Masters in Biblical Studies. She has worked in health care and education chaplaincy and as a parish priest. Cost: £200 Finance should not be a barrier to coming on this retreat

Category:  Health Go Health

The Barnabas Principle – Diocese of Leeds Learning

WEBThe Barnabas Principle. by Gary Rohrmayer. Your Journey Resources are committed to coaching and mentoring leaders who are fully engaged in the harvest field. They specialise in coaching and equipping leaders in areas of spiritual formation, church multiplication and church health from the local church level to regional and national leadership

Category:  Health Go Health

Social Engagement – Diocese of Leeds Learning

WEBThe Diocese of Leeds values the inclusion, contribution and ministry of people with disabilities. We aim to support parishes to ensure that our buildings and activities are welcoming and accessible for people with disabilities: sensory or physical impairment, learning disabilities, including autism, mental health needs, and other “hidden

Category:  Health Go Health

Lay Pastoral Worker – Diocese of Leeds Learning

WEBThe Diocese of Leeds provides a program of Pastoral Care training across three levels. This envisages three categories of Lay Pastoral Worker (LPW): Pastoral Visitors, Pastoral Assistants and Pastoral Ministers. (Note: these role titles are for guidance and to ensure a consistent approch across the Diocese. However, locally, teams may choose to

Category:  Health Go Health


WEBLoving God, bless this household. May we be blessed with health, goodness of heart, gentleness, and abiding in your will. We ask this through Christ our Saviour. Amen. As participants take turns making the inscription, the leader says: The three Wise Men, [C] Caspar, [M] Melchior, [B] and Balthasar followed the

Category:  Health Go Health

Inspiring People – Diocese of Leeds Learning

WEBInspiring People. Creating – C.S Lewis. Celebrating – Matt Redman. Resting – Vicky Beeching. Sharing – Corrie ten Boom. Reflecting – Bear Grylls. Encouraging – Martin Luther King Jr. Praying – Julian of Norwich.

Category:  Health Go Health