Health and Safety Hazard Management

WEBMaster Hazard hierarchy is perfect for the business that wants to build depth to their hazard descriptions & controls whilst maintaining a clear reporting structure. Next Module: Safety Observations >. jobSAFE is cloud-based health and safety management software. This module is for managing workplace hazards.

Actived: 2 days ago


Health & Safety Incident and Near Miss Management

WEBAt the core level of jobSAFE sits the incident and near miss reporting module. In this module users record and report on all workplace incidents, accidents and near misses. The interface is designed to be simple and intuitive with predetermined drop down lists and alerts to ensure all required information is gathered. Within the module there is

Category:  Health Go Health

Benefits of jobSAFE's Health and Safety Software

WEBjobSAFE is a cloud-based tool, which gives you 24/7 access. This makes it ideal for companies that have many branches, employees, and/or remote locations. Whether from home or from work, if your staff member has access to the internet then they can use jobSAFE. The system is also fully scalable and can be implemented to fit your business …

Category:  Health Go Health

Environmental Hazard Management Module

WEBGreat features of this module are that you can develop a risk matrix for your hazards that will automatically calculate a risk score. You can also print and/or export a hazard register that again can be automically populated. The jobSAFE environmental hazard register means that you can safely manage hazards through to completion.

Category:  Health Go Health

Health and Safety Documentation Management Module

WEBHealth and safety documentation management. The documentation management module is a purely function-driven module. It gives you the ability to upload documents or attach them to a network drive. It also gives you the ability to control the documentation flow and process development. You can set review dates and notify specific users regarding

Category:  Health Go Health

Yearly Action Plans Module

WEBPlanning is an integral part of Health and Safety Management. jobSAFE allows you to create a yearly health and safety plan that is site specific.

Category:  Health Go Health

Health and Safety Training Management

WEBThe Training Module within jobSAFE allows you to manage the training requirements as set out by Health and Safety legislation. You are able to show what training has occurred and what is planned throughout the course of a year.

Category:  Course Go Health

Frequently Asked Questions about jobSAFE Health & Safety Software

WEBA: Absolutely. jobSAFE is a highly configurable platform and every installation is tailored to suite that business or division of. Businesses can choose from range of standard Health and Safety hazards to hazard hierarchy enabling them to build and extensive library of hazards and associated controls that fit their specific business.

Category:  Health Go Health

Health and Safety Meeting Management

WEBThe meeting management module of jobSAFE has been developed to aid with the administrative aspect of Health and Safety legislation. Within it you are able to document all meetings that have occurred, record attendees and attach minutes and any other documentation relating to the meeting.

Category:  Health Go Health

jobSAFE's Health and Safety Customers in NZ and Australia

WEBFind out who else uses jobSAFE software to manage their workplace's health and safety. Compliant with regulations in New Zealand, Australia and beyond.

Category:  Health Go Health

Digital Permit to Work (PtW)

WEBJobSAFE's digital Permit to Work module uses mobility and technology to bring the forms and procedures direct to the Receiver and Issuer fingertips. Mobile devices (Smartphones/Tablets) and internet connection are all that's required. No more queueing or searching for an Issuer, no more paper to deal with. The entire PtW process is digitally

Category:  Health Go Health