How to add a health check to your docker container

WEBThe curl command makes a request to localhost:80 and if the request returns the http code 200, it will return exit code 0; otherwise, it will return exit code 1.. Look at the container …

Actived: 5 days ago


Work with your first container

WEBTip. You need to use the -it option whenever you want to run a container in interactive mode. - The -i or --interactive option connects you to the input stream of the container, …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to pass env variables to a container

WEBWhen we launch our Docker container, we can pass environment variables as key-value pairs directly into the command line using the parameter –env (or its short form -e ). For …

Category:  Health Go Health

Docker container lifecycle

WEBIn this syntax: object indicates the type of Docker object you'll be manipulating. This can be a container, image, network or volume object. command indicates the task to be carried …

Category:  Health Go Health

Overview of basic instructions

WEBThis instruction is ARG. ARG is used to specify arguments for the docker build command with the --build-arg <varname>=<value> flag. You can have more than one FROM …

Category:  Health Go Health

Building interactively

WEBBuilding interactively. This is a quick recap of things that you already saw in the Part-1. The following steps guide you toward the interactive image building process.

Category:  Health Go Health

Run a dockerized service

WEBWe can see that the nginx version in our container will be 1.25.2, the service will be listening on port 80 and the command that will be executed at the container start is nginx -g …

Category:  Health Go Health

The CMD and ENTRYPOINT verbs

WEBThe CMD and ENTRYPOINT verbs. CMD and ENTRYPOINT are the commands that allow us to set the default command to run in a container.. Adding CMD to our Dockerfile¶. As …

Category:  Health Go Health

Install docker engine on Ubuntu

WEBPost-installation steps¶. The Docker daemon binds to a Unix socket instead of a TCP port. By default that Unix socket is owned by the user root and other users can only access it …

Category:  Health Go Health

Run your first container

WEBHello World only function is to output the text you see in the terminal, after which the container exits. You can use the command docker container ps to list the running …

Category:  Health Go Health

Docker volumes and bind-mounts

WEBCreate a volume db_data to provide persistent storage for the DBMS; Launch MariaDB (image name: mariadb:10.6.4-focal) with container name db, using the previously …

Category:  Health Go Health

Bridge mode and port mapping

WEBCreate a volume db_data to provide persistent storage for the DBMS; Create a network; Launch MariaDB (image name: mariadb:10.6.4-focal) with container name db, using the …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to use Gitlab CI/CD to build your image automatically

WEBa baltig token with 'api' and 'write_repository' scopes (see below) having followed the previous tutorial; Create a git repository with your app¶. Let's initialize a git repository in …

Category:  Health Go Health

Where are Docker images stored

WEBThe storage location of Docker images and containers depends on the operating system. The command docker info provides information about your Docker configuration, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Copying files during the build

WEBFROM ubuntu RUN apt-get update. RUN apt-get install -y build-essential. COPY hello.c /. RUN make hello. CMD /hello. Exercise: Create hello.c and Dockerfile in the same …

Category:  Health Go Health