BRIDGE-U: Liberia Project iLab Liberia

WebSponsored by the USAID, the Research for Development Impact in Liberia Health Sector under the USAID BRIDGE-U: Liberia project through Yale University, aims to support health innovation and entrepreneurship programs at the University of Liberia College of Health Sciences (ULCHS).

Actived: 2 days ago


Data iLab Liberia

WebiLab Liberia received a COVID-19 Rapid Response microgrant from Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) to map all functional healthcare facilities, COVID-19 Testing Centers, Treatment Units, Precautionary Observation Centers, and cases across Liberia.. All datasets are based on the Ministry of Health's 2019 Census and COVID-19 SITREPs …

Category:  Health Go Health

Open Cities Monrovia iLab Liberia

WebMonrovia is home to a growing population of 1.3 million inhabitants, two-thirds of whom reside in the unplanned and slum communities in lowlands and swamps.

Category:  Health Go Health

Services iLab Liberia

WebiLab is more than just a tech training center, or a one-stop-shop for Liberia’s fastest public internet connection, free co-working and local tech experts. It has become a home for a diverse community of students, teachers, business people, artists who are applying these tools and teachings towards a better life. After years of offering free

Category:  Health Go Health

Mobile Data collection: The Liberian experience

WebMobile data collection is a new way of conducting enumerations, surveys, etc using mobile devices with various mobile technologies.These technologies come with a lot of advantages from easy collection, analysis, collaboration to disseminating data in real time onward to finding a unique way to curate and organize data directly from the field, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Tackling Coastal Flooding in Monrovia Slums

WebAs urban populations grow and their vulnerability increases, managing urban growth in a way that fosters cities’ resilience to natural hazards and the impacts of climate change becomes an ever-greater challenge that requires detailed, up-to-date geospatial data of the built environment. The World Bank, through its Global Facility for Disaster …

Category:  Health Go Health

iLab Helping to Fight Ebola

WebSeveral times over the last month, we've wanted to share what iLab has been doing in the fight against Ebola, but as soon as we sit down to write something else comes up and we're again in motion. Just like our colleagues on the ground who are working to improve worsening conditions, we're short on time because there's a lot going on - …

Category:  Health Go Health

OSM Digitization iLab Liberia

WebIn OpenStreetMap (OSM), 161,440 buildings have been mapped prior to the digitization project of 2019. Comparing these datasets, the project estimated that there will be a maximum coverage ranging from 300,000-400,000 buildings following digitization. Additionally, 11,728.2 km of roads have been mapped in OSM for all counties.

Category:  Health Go Health

UMass Graduate Seminar Now Accepting Liberians

WebShira Khaminsky studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston and works as a Senior Editor of the school newspaper. This article has been cross-posted from the Mass Media website. “I saw parents killed by their children. I saw children abandoned by their parents. I saw neighbors from rival ethnic groups who had lived together for …

Category:  Health Go Health

Message to friends of the iLab on the Ebola situation

WebDear friends of the iLab,I am sure we are all aware of the emergency situation getting more and more serious - and are all gravely concerned. Please read through this message.iLab limiting its activitiesFor the safety of iLab staff and iLab users (and in reference to the government's regulations on public gatherings), we are sorry to inform you that all our …

Category:  Health Go Health

BRIDGE-U: Liberia Project iLab Liberia

WebiLab Liberia as lead for the innovation activity, collaborated with an Innovation team consisting of the Consortia for Improving Medicine with Innovation & Technology from Harvard University in the United States of America and faculties from the University of Liberia College of Health Sciences to design and implement Health Entrepreneur …

Category:  Medicine Go Health