
Ihchi Institute for Human Centered Health Innovation

WEBIHCHI supports and encourages new thinking, ideas, concepts, and solutions that fall within the following three aspects of human-centered health innovation: Amplifying the extent to which people and their needs drive the innovation process, including efforts to ensure that traditionally neglected voices are heard and involved.

Actived: 2 days ago

URL: https://www.ihchi.org/

How we work IHCHI

WEBHow IHCHI works. The Institute for Human Centered Health Innovation (IHCHI) is on a mission to firmly place humans, their needs, and perspectives at the starting point of health Innovation. IHCHI is a self-organizing association of purpose-driven Individuals, sharing a common desire to explore, design and act on human-centered approaches to

Category:  Health Go Health

“Focus on what matters to people, and not on what’s the …

WEBDigital health is a cultural transformation of traditional healthcare. MHealth. Vol 3, No 9. What makes this a human-centered endeavor is the aim to enable everybody to choose the role they play in their care team. With this comes the opportunity for the patient to bring their

Category:  Health Go Health

Activities IHCHI

WEBIHCHI Investigation: Health Personas. Health outcomes are not consistent across a population. Factors known to influence health outcomes (described as social determinants of health) include level of education, type of employment, income, gender, marital status, migration background and level of psychosocial stress in personal and professional life …

Category:  Health Go Health