AIP Health coach Healthy with Ludy Raleigh, NC

WebThe Autoimmune Paleo Protocol, or AIP, is a powerful science-based strategy that uses diet and lifestyle to regulate the immune system while reducing the inflammation and giving the body the opportunity to heal. Collaborating with an AIP health coach gives you the support you need to go through the process (preparation phase, elimination phase

Actived: 2 days ago


AIP Health coach Healthy with Ludy Meet Ludy de Menten

WebMy name is Ludivine de Menten or Ludy. I worked more than 10 years in Pharmaceutical companies developing drugs for patients with autoimmune and chronic diseases. My health journey lead me to change my career, seek knowledge on holistic modalities to manage the 2 autoimmune diseases I was diagnosed with, Hashimoto and Vitiligo, and help others

Category:  Health Go Health

AIP Health coach Healthy with Ludy What is Health Coaching

WebHealth coaching can be defined as helping/guiding clients gain the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to become active participants in their care so that they can reach their self-identified health goals.

Category:  Health Go Health

AIP Health coach Healthy with Ludy Cooking class party

WebDisclaimer: HEALTHY WITH LUDY DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Category:  Medical Go Health

#2 Local AIP journey

WebThey could be your neighbor, a parent from your kids' school, a friend, your coach, a teacher, a business owner you're doing business with They experimented the AIP (Autoimmune Paleo) Protocol to manage their symptoms and they accepted to share their experience with y'all. For our second episode of this series of interviews, Marcey is our …

Category:  Health Go Health

AIP Health coach Healthy with Ludy Genomic Medicine

WebWith Genomic Medicine it's possible to look at your gene pre-dispositions to health issues and provide recommendations on food and lifestyle that can switch off the expression of genes responsible for dis-eases and turn on those allowing the body to heal! I offer Genomic testing and consultations

Category:  Food,  Medicine Go Health

AIP Health coach Healthy with Ludy Work with Ludy de Menten

WebCoaching you to achieve your personalized nutrient-dense diet and anti-inflammatory lifestyle to manage chronic illnesses and feel great again. Look at the packages and services I am offering: AIP coaching, Genomic medicine, cooking classes, cookbooks.

Category:  Medicine Go Health

AIP Health coach Healthy with Ludy AIP coaching

WebImplementing the AIP. Usually 12-16 weeks - around 6-8 sessions. The perfect package to get you started on the AIP lifestyle and diet. We will assess where you are and work at your own pace to implement the AIP principles, usually starting with the elimination phase of the Protocol, adding specific nutrient-rich food, and engaging in the other

Category:  Food Go Health

What is the AIP Protocol

WebHere is some more information for those not yet familiar with the AIP (Autoimmune Paleo) Protocol. It is a science-based strategy that uses diet and lifestyle to regulate the immune system while reducing the inflammation and giving the body the opportunity to heal! It is composed of several pillars: -> food, -> sleep management, -> stress management, -> …

Category:  Food Go Health

AIP Health coach Healthy with Ludy Contact Ludy de Menten

WebLudivine (Ludy) de Menten. Valencia, Spain Consulting online worldwide via videoconference/call Schedule a FREE 45 min Introduction session and determine how we can work together.

Category:  Health Go Health

The AIP Summit 2021 is here!

WebThere will be 5 presentations every day of the summit, meaning 35 in all! • Lifestyle (sleep, stress, movement, connection) (LS) I will be presenting on Histamine Intolerance and how to adapt AIP accordingly. Truly, the 2021 AIP Summit offers something for everyone living with an autoimmune disease or caring for someone who has one, so I hope

Category:  Health Go Health

#3 Local AIP journey

WebThey could be your neighbor, a parent from your kids' school, a friend, your coach, a teacher, a business owner you're doing business with They experimented the AIP (Autoimmune Paleo) Protocol to manage their symptoms and they accepted to share their experience with y'all. For our third episode of this series of AIP success stories, Mohita is …

Category:  Health Go Health

Touching testimonial!

WebThings took a different turn in 2002 (10 years later) when she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. For anyone who may not know what that is, it is an Autoimmune disease that causes the body to create antibodies against your own thyroid.

Category:  Health Go Health

Global AIP Kitchen cookbook!

WebHAPPY NEW YEAR! A new year, a new YOU!! Do you want to start the year eating food that makes you feel great? I have what you need I contributed, with 17 other AIPers, to a NEW ebook with TONS of fun new AIP recipes."The Global Paleo AIP Kitchen" is a community ecookbook that's packed with tons of AIP recipes full of the flavors of the world.

Category:  Food Go Health

La conference en Francais sur l'AIP!

WebInscrivez-vous à ce tout premier événement digital sur le protocole auto-immune, "L'AIP Summit", ca commence ce vendredi 16 octobre 2020!Des infos EN FRANÇAIS sur cette approche naturelle, anti-inflammatoire, conçue spécifiquement pour des personnes souffrant de différentes maladies auto-immunes ou chroniques. Vous souffrez, ou connaissez …

Category:  Health Go Health

L'AIP en Francais!

WebDes informations et ressources sur l'AIP en Francais! Découvrez également notre programme en ligne, "J'adopte l'AIP", pour mettre en place l'AIP en 6 semaines. Toutes les présentations, vidéos, ressources, fiches et recettes sont en français! Rejoignez-nous!

Category:  Health Go Health

Cuisiner AIP quand le reste de la famille n’est pas AIP…

WebSaumon frais (sauvage): Juste sauter le saumon à la poêle avec du gras AIP-conforme ou en papillotes (papier non-blanchi) cuit au four.. Scampis (sauvages). Steak (nourris a l’herbe): préparé au grill, barbecue ou à la poêle avec du gras de bacon/canard ou autre graisses AIP-conformes. Pain de viande avec de la viande hache de bison, cerf, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Pourquoi mange-t-on

WebVous êtes-vous déja posé la question de pourquoi vous mangez? Les réponses qui viennent en général sont: - Pour avoir de l’énergie- Parce qu’on a faim…- Parce qu’il est midi…- On célèbre des événements autour d’un bon repas ou avec des desserts et gateaux.- Il peut nous arriver de manger pour oublier, quand on est triste, déprimé ou qu’on …

Category:  Health Go Health

Les abats… des bombes nutritives à consommer sans modération!!

WebEn effet, les abats sont des bombes nutritives, chargés de vitamines, minéraux, acides aminés essentiels, graisses et autres substances qui sont vitaux pour survivre. Le profil nutritionnel des abats varie d’un organe a l’autre et dépend de l’animal et du type d’organe. Mais en général, les abats sont extrêmement nutritifs.

Category:  Nutrition,  Vitamin Go Health