Health Economics 101: Health Insurance

WEBStraightforward discussion about complex issues related to health care, health insurance, managed care, and health care economics.

Actived: 1 days ago


Health Economics 101

WEBStraightforward discussion about complex issues related to health care, health insurance, managed care, and health care economics.

Category:  Health Go Health

Is health care a public or private good

WEBFrom an economic perspective, it might be better to talk about whether health care is a public or private good. First, some definitions are in order: A purely public good …

Category:  Health Go Health

What are you really worth (and what does that have to do with …

WEBOne of the more difficult concepts for my students to master is that of money - what it is, where it comes from, what does it represent? That's a big topic for this limited space, but …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why do insurance companies deny so many claims

WEBThe California Nurses Association last month came out with a rather bold statement. They assert that health insurers deny about 21% of all claims, and that this

Category:  Health Go Health

So, do we have a physician shortage or not (and will health reform …

WEBAnyone who's tried to schedule a routine appointment with their dermatologist can probably tell you about the weeks or even months they've had to wait to get in. Once you do get …

Category:  Health Go Health

Are we having the wrong discussion

WEBA friend of mine who has forgotten more science then I'll ever know comes at the health care reform discussion from a different angle. Here's a copy of a recent e-mail he sent …

Category:  Health Go Health

Would you buy Medicare insurance

WEBIt's easy to get health reform fatigue, given the months that have dragged between major milestones in this drama. It's my job to know what's happening with reform, and I'll …

Category:  Health Go Health