Boosting Mental Health: The Power of Positive Reminders

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a form of psychotherapy initially developed to treat borderline personality disorder but is effective for various mental health conditions. DBT emphasizes … See more

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Therapy Frequency: Understanding the Common Patterns

WEBThe frequency of therapy varies widely based on several factors, including the type of mental health issues, the form of therapy, and the individual's circumstances. Typically, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Group Therapy

WEBAccountability. Sharing with others encourages you to maintain the skills learned in the group. Lori is a psychotherapist and the author of The New York Times bestseller …

Category:  Health Go Health

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) & the Views of Human Nature

WEBCBT views of human nature recognize that learned behavior can contribute to developing and maintaining mental health conditions. For example, if we have learned to avoid …

Category:  Health Go Health

Group Therapy Topics: A Guide to Collective Healing

WEBGroup therapy topics are diverse and tailored to the specific needs of the group. Common subjects include stress management, coping with grief and loss, managing anxiety or …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Power of Movement: Understanding the Benefits of Walk and …

WEBWalking is a gentle form of exercise that can have significant benefits on mental health. According to the Mayo Clinic, physical activity helps release endorphins, chemicals in …

Category:  Health Go Health

Navigating Psychoeducational Group Topics in Mental Health:

WEBPsychoeducational groups are guided by the principle of knowledge as power. They aim to arm individuals with the necessary understanding of their mental health conditions, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Exploring Mindful Group Therapy: Techniques, Benefits, and …

WEBMindful group therapy is a versatile and effective therapeutic approach. It employs a variety of techniques to enhance self-awareness, improve interpersonal relationships, and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Building Mental Health Skills: Effective Interventions for a Stronger

WEBBuilding mental health skills is an ongoing journey that requires dedication, practice, and patience. Investing time and effort into developing these essential skills, you'll be better …

Category:  Health Go Health

Expert-Led Online Group Therapy Grouport Online Therapy

WEBGrouport’s Results. 80% of our members start with moderate to severe mental health symptoms. 70% of our members feel significantly better within just 8 weeks. 50% of our …

Category:  Health Go Health

Group Therapy Discussion Topics: Stimulating Openness and …

WEBGroup therapy provides a supportive environment for individuals to share their experiences, learn from others, and develop new coping strategies. The success of a group therapy …

Category:  Health Go Health

Chilling Out: The Mental Health Benefits of Ice Baths

WEBStress Reduction and Improved Resilience. One of ice baths' most significant mental health benefits is their ability to reduce stress and improve emotional resilience. When you …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Butterfly Effect: Understanding the Impact of Small Actions on

WEBThe Butterfly Effect is a chaos theory concept suggesting that small actions or events can lead to significant consequences in complex systems. In the context of mental health, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Rocking Back and Forth: A Simple Technique to Soothe Anxiety

WEBAs a result, rocking can produce a calming effect by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which counteracts stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation. Additionally, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Exploring the Types of Psychoeducational Groups: An Insight into …

WEBPsychoeducational groups serve as an essential platform for imparting education about various mental health conditions, the coping strategies, and the importance of mental …

Category:  Health Go Health

MAD Acronym in Mental Health: Understanding Major Affective …

WEBThe MAD acronym in mental health stands for Major Affective Disorder, Mixed Anxiety Disorders, and Mixed Anxiety-Depressive Disorder. These conditions can significantly …

Category:  Health Go Health

5 Disorders Similar to Borderline Personality Disorder

WEBHistrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) and BPD. HPD, like BPD, involves intense, emotional, and attention-seeking behaviors. However, BPD is unique in its self-image issues, fear …

Category:  Health Go Health

Decoding Rationalization: The Psychology Behind this Defense …

WEBRationalization is a defense mechanism that can serve a protective function. However, when it becomes a constant in our lives, it may prevent us from confronting our …

Category:  Health Go Health

Understanding Psychological Shock: Its Impact and Management

WEBPsychological shock, also referred to as acute stress response, is a reaction to an intense, traumatic event. It can be seen as the mind's emergency response system, kicking into …

Category:  Health Go Health