
outposts_instances_health_list authentik

WEBcode string. application/json. Schema. Example (from schema) Schema. detail string required. code string. Get outposts current health.

Actived: 7 days ago

URL: https://docs.goauthentik.io/developer-docs/api/reference/outposts-instances-health-list

Welcome to authentik authentik

WEBauthentik is an open-source Identity Provider, focused on flexibility and versatility. With authentik, site administrators, application developers, and security engineers have a dependable and secure solution for authentication in almost any type of environment. There are robust recovery actions available for the users and applications

Category:  Health Go Health

Welcome authentik

WEBAutomate and simplify. Adopt authentik to your environment, regardless of your requirements. Use our APIs and fully customizable policies to automate any workflow. Simplify deployment and scaling with prebuilt templates and support for Kubernetes, Terraform, and Docker Compose. authentik.

Category:  Health Go Health

Configuration authentik

WEBVerify your configuration settings . To check if your config has been applied correctly, you can run the following command to output the full config: Docker Compose. Kubernetes. docker compose run --rm worker dump_config. kubectl exec -it deployment/authentik-worker -c authentik -- ak dump_config.

Category:  Health Go Health

Monitoring authentik

WEBMonitoring. authentik can be easily monitored in multiple ways. Server monitoring . Configure your monitoring software to send requests to /-/health/live/, which will return a HTTP 204 response as long as authentik is running. You can also send HTTP requests to /-/health/ready/, which will return HTTP 204 if both PostgreSQL and Redis connections …

Category:  Health Go Health

Manual Outpost deployment in docker-compose authentik

WEBTo deploy an outpost with docker-compose, use this snippet in your docker-compose file. You can also run the outpost in a separate docker-compose project, you just have to ensure that the outpost container can reach your application container.

Category:  Health Go Health

Source stage authentik

WEBSource stage. Enterprise authentik 2024.4+. The source stage injects an OAuth or SAML Source into the flow execution. This allows for additional user verification, or to dynamically access different sources for different user identifiers (username, email address, etc).

Category:  Health Go Health

Proxy Provider authentik

WEBThe original Host header sent by the client. This is set as the Host header is set to the host of the configured backend.. Additional headers . Additionally, you can set additionalHeaders attribute on groups or users to set additional headers:

Category:  Health Go Health

Troubleshooting authentik

WEBTo troubleshoot LDAP sources, you can run the command below to run a synchronization in the foreground and see any errors or warnings that might happen directly. Previous.

Category:  Health Go Health

Upgrading an Outpost authentik

WEBUpgrading an Outpost. In the Outpost Overview list, you'll see if any deployed outposts are out of date. To upgrade the Outpost to the latest version, simply adjust the docker tag of the outpost to the new version. Since the configuration is managed by authentik, that's all you have to do. Edit this page.

Category:  Health Go Health

Installation authentik

WEBInstallation. Everything you need to get authentik up and running! For information about upgrading to a new version, refer to the Upgrade section in the relevant Release Notes.. 📄️ Docker Compose installation. This installation method is for test setups and small-scale production setups.

Category:  Health Go Health

Docker authentik

WEBYou'll end up with three files: authentik.pub is the public key, this should be added to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the target host and user.; authentik is the private key, which should be imported into a Keypair in authentik.; certificate.pem is the matching certificate for the keypair above.; Modify/create a new Docker integration, and set your Docker URL to …

Category:  Health Go Health

I can't log in to authentik authentik

WEBKeep this key safe. To create the key, run the following command: docker compose run --rm server create_recovery_key 10 akadmin. For Kubernetes, run. kubectl exec -it deployment/authentik-worker -c authentik -- ak create_recovery_key 10 akadmin. or, for CLI, run. ak create_recovery_key 10 akadmin. This will output a link, that can be used to

Category:  Health Go Health

Docker Compose installation authentik

WEBThe docker-compose.yml file statically references the latest version available at the time of downloading the compose file. Each time you upgrade to a newer version of authentik, you download a new docker-compose.yml file, which points to the latest available version. For more information, refer to the Upgrading section in the Release Notes.. To start the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Outposts authentik

WEBCreate and configure an outpost . To create a new outpost, log in to authentik as an administrator, and open to the Admin interface. Navigate to Applications --> Outposts and then click Create. Define the following values: Name: a name for the new outpost. Type: select the provider type (Proxy, LDAP, Radius, RAC)

Category:  Health Go Health

OAuth2 Provider authentik

WEBRequires authentik 2022.7. When a client does not request any scopes, authentik will treat the request as if all configured scopes were requested. Depending on the configured authorization flow, consent still needs to be given, and all scopes are listed there. This does not apply to special scopes, as those are not configurable in the provider.

Category:  Health Go Health

Traefik authentik

WEBexample-outpost is used as a placeholder for the outpost name.authentik.company is used as a placeholder for the authentik install.app.company is used as a placeholder for the external domain for the application.outpost.company is used as a placeholder for the outpost. When using the embedded outpost, this can be the same as authentik.company

Category:  Health Go Health

Embedded Outpost authentik

WEBStarting with 2021.8.1, authentik comes with an embedded outpost. This has been added to simplify deployment for users using the Proxy provider. The embedded outpost runs in the main server container, and is managed by authentik itself. The embedded outpost authenticates itself via the secret key. You can access the embedded outpost on the …

Category:  Health Go Health