Journaling for Mental Health baseline

WebStart journaling today. baseline is a 100% free, non-profit operated, journaling and mood tracking service that's designed to help people better understand their mental health by building a journaling habit.

Actived: 7 days ago


Mental Health 101 baseline

WebA person’s mental health affects how they feel, think, behave, and relate to others. It’s key to our relationships, personal and emotional well-being, and our ability to contribute to our community and society. It plays a major role in our ability to manage feelings and deal with difficulties. And, it’s closely linked to physical health

Category:  Health Go Health

Tracking Your Mood baseline

WebStart tracking your mood today. baseline is a 100% free, non-profit operated, journaling and mood tracking service that's designed to help people better understand their mental health by building a journaling habit.

Category:  Health Go Health

How To Be Happy baseline

WebTrack your happiness with baseline. baseline is a 100% free, non-profit operated, journaling and mood tracking service that's designed to help people better understand their mental health by building a journaling habit.

Category:  Health Go Health

Improving Your Mood baseline

WebA lot of times, you can improve your mood just by building basic healthy habits. To start, make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Sleep is crucial for mental health, and most people don’t get enough of it. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night – but note that that’s a very broad recommendation! Many people need more.

Category:  Health Go Health

World Mental Health Day 2024 baseline

WebPrioritize your mental health with journaling. baseline is a 100% free, non-profit operated, journaling and mood tracking service that's designed to help people better understand their mental health by building a journaling habit.

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Nonprofit Tech is Vital in the Mental Health Space baseline

WebTL;DR: the mental health space is full of for-profit companies whose incentives are fundamentally misaligned with the people they serve. This creates unhelpful solutions that prioritize shareholder profits over actually helping people.

Category:  Health Go Health

Developer Info baseline

WebDeveloper Info. baseline started as a viewer for a different mental health app’s data.So we’re all for people creating interesting things for users to try out. You can, of course, help us develop baseline itself - or you can make something that uses baseline’s endpoints or data to give users a different experience.

Category:  Course Go Health

Privacy baseline

WebEmail us at [email protected]. You can also contact us here if you’d like to report a complaint about any privacy-related issue at baseline. A better journaling and mood tracking app. 100% free and private. Non-profit owned and operated.

Category:  Health Go Health