European Health for All database (HFA-DB)

WEBHFA databases bring together the indicators that are part of major monitoring frameworks relevant to the Region, such as Health 2020 and the Sustainable Development Goals. …

Actived: 4 days ago


European Health Information Gateway

WEBGoverns the sharing of digital data between health professionals and across care settings through the use of an EHR. Allows individuals electronic access to their …

Category:  Health Go Health

Indicators Explorer

WEBThis data explorer contains indicators from WHO Europe’s Health for All family of databases – European Health for All database (HFA), European Mortality Indicator Database …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)

WEBThe HBSC research network is an international alliance of researchers that collaborate on the cross-national survey of school students: Health Behaviour in School …

Category:  Health Go Health

Country profiles

WEBCountry profiles - European Health Information Gateway. European database on human and technical resources for health (HlthRes-DB) Seasonal influenza vaccination policies …

Category:  Health Go Health

Physicians per 100 000

WEBEver smoked HBSC Influenza vaccination recommendation, elderly Influenza Implementation of recommendations on newborn, infant and young child nutrition …

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

SDR all causes, all ages, per 100 000

WEBIndicator notes. SDR all causes, all ages, per 100 000. Indicator code: E990102.T. SDR is the age-standardized death rate calculated using the direct method, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Environment and Health Information System (ENHIS)

WEBENHIS is an evidence-based information system aiming to support public health and environmental policies in the WHO European Region. The system is an …

Category:  Health Go Health

European mortality database (MDB)

WEBIndicators: 851. Updated: 04 October 2023. Contact: Data and Digital Health Unit (DDH) European mortality database allows age- and sex-specific analysis of mortality trends by …

Category:  Health Go Health

Absenteeism from work due to illness, days per employee per year

WEBSource: Czech Statistical Office. Calculation by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the CR. Number of days lost per year on sick leave …

Category:  Health Go Health

Surgical wound infection rate (%), all operations

WEBCoverage: The definition used for Norway is the sum of in hospital infection rate for the following. four operations: Caesarean section, coronary bypass, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Eating breakfast, by FAS

WEBYoung people were asked how often they eat breakfast, defined as more than a glass of milk or fruit juice, on school days and at weekends. Findings show …

Category:  Health Go Health

Total pharmaceutical expenditure as % of total health expenditure

WEBTotal pharmaceutical expenditure as % of total health expenditure Indicator code: E992708.T The OECD definition is applied. It includes the consumption of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Number of abortions, all ages

WEBThe reason for the sudden increase in 2008 is due to improved recording. The decrease in number of abortions in year 2013 is a result of the pro-natalist policy …

Category:  Health Go Health

GINI coefficient (income distribution)

WEBEarly neonatal deaths per 1000 live births HFA-DB Incidence of alcoholic psychosis per 100 000 HFA-DB SDR, Malignant neoplasm of breast, per 100 000 MDB …

Category:  Health Go Health

Bed occupancy rate (%), acute care hospitals only

WEBAcute care bed-days comprise bed-days in general hospitals in all sectors (public, not-for-profit and private). Bed-days in mental health hospitals, prevention and …

Category:  Mental health Go Health

Primary health care units per 100 000

WEBIndicator notes. Primary health care units per 100 000. Indicator code: E270206.T This indicator shares the definition with the parent indicator \"Number of …

Category:  Health Go Health