How to optimise your games in GameMaker

WEBOne of the most frequently asked questions about making games with GameMaker is: how to optimise them so that they run as efficiently as possible.

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Draw Instance Health

WEBDraw Instance Health. With this action you can draw a coloured bar to show a graphic representation of the instance variable health (when you use any "health" action in GameMaker the instance that calls it will have a new instance scope variable called health added). The amount to be displayed is a percentage value that falls within the range of 0 …

Category:  Health Go Health

What Is Nine Slice And How Does It Work

WEBNine Slice is used to scale images in a way that preserves detail by stretching or tiling parts of the image to fit its new size. We achieve this by dividing the image into nine separate parts (or slices), as you can see below: When an image is scaled using Nine Slice, its corners are moved without being resized, and the edge and center slices

Category:  Health Go Health

Circular Healthbar by Darkwalker GameMaker: Marketplace

WEBA circular healthbar, drawn by wrapping a sprite around a coordinate. The GameMaker Feature consists of: GameMaker: the proprietary computer software program known as 'GameMaker', including: (i) any and all constituent elements of the same (including its code, tools, data, scripts, technologies, software libraries etc); and (ii) any upgrades, patches, …

Category:  Health Go Health

healthbar GameMaker Community

WEBHealth (Bar) I am trying to implement a health bar into my game that changed depending on health out of 100. I want an enemy to do -25 damage when it collides with the main character but wait for a second or two before doing more damage (I used an alarm here). Obviously when Main character health = 0 restart

Category:  Health Go Health

health bar GameMaker Community

WEBGameMaker Need help with a scaling health bar. Hello guys, im having problems with a scaling/expandable healthbar for my character. Right now, i basically have a working healthbar that starts at 50 for max_hp and hp. hp = 50 max_hp = 50; Here is the code for drawing the healthbar. for (i=0;i<max_hp div 1.2;i++) { Tony Moonen.

Category:  Health Go Health

health and damage GameMaker Community

WEBGameMaker Replacing value damage with variable damage of player. Hey Forum Like normally you can make an enemy loss by just saying variable name hp - value - 20 .However, what I want is instead of writing -20 as a value, can you also simply say subtract from hp as much as the players variable in create event?

Category:  Health Go Health

How To Bring Characters To Life Using Sequences GameMaker

WEBThis event is reducing the health of the enemy, and creating an “attack effect” instance just as a visual effect for the enemy being hit. It then sets the attackable variable to false, which exits the event (at the top) as long as it remains false, so the enemy can’t be hit.Then Alarm 0 is set to 30, which resets attackable to true so the enemy can …

Category:  Health Go Health

if / else and Conditional Operators

WEBif / else and Conditional Operators. A fundamental feature of most programming languages is the ability to ask a simple question that gives a boolean true or false answer, and in GML this is achieved using the if keyword. A simple if condition takes an expression and will perform one or more statement s if the expression resolves as true, with the following …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Create Pickups in GameMaker GameMaker

WEBHow to Display a Particle Effect in GameMaker. Let's give our pickup some much needed oomph, by showing a particle effect. Open obj_pickup_health's collision event with obj_player.. Add the following code inside the main If condition, at the end:

Category:  Health Go Health

Easy Enemy AI (Idle, Chase, Attack, and Flee)

WEBBullet/Sword/Any Attack Object = Bullet in Collision Event on Step 5 below. Steps to create an enemy object and write the AI logic: Further explanations within the comments ("// text") in the code. Step 1. Create object for enemy. Step 2. Add Create Event and add code below. Code: // Instance Creation Variable Sets.

Category:  Health Go Health

health GameMaker Community

WEBHelp with ds grid deletion and player healing. Hello, I have made it so when the player right clicks on a health potion, the health potion will be deleted from the ds grid and the player will be healed by .25 HP (one quarter of a heart). The weird thing is, this all works extremely well until the player is almost at max health.

Category:  Health Go Health