
Home [evergreenttc.com]

WebEvergreen serves children ages 5-18 who have struggled with behavioral issues at school and/or at home. The clients who are appropriate for the program experience severe emotional and/or behavioral symptoms that compromise or the client’s ability to function adequately on the day to day basis.

Actived: 5 days ago

URL: https://evergreenttc.com/

Client Information, Consent for Treatment EVERGREEN

WebEvergreen will use and share client’s information for treatment, payment and health care operations, otherwise information about a client will NOT be given to anyone outside Evergreen Therapeutic Treatment

Category:  Health Go Health

Client’s Rights Handbook

Web1) The right to be treated humanely with consideration and respect for personal dignity, autonomy and privacy to promote positive self-esteem (5.1.1.i.)

Category:  Health Go Health