‘Maintaining balance in life’—exploring older adults’ long-term

WebBackground Accidental falls are one of the greatest threats to older adults’ health and well-being. The risk of falling can be significantly reduced with strength and balance interventions. However, there needs to be further knowledge into how older adults can be supported to achieve a maintained exercise behaviour. Therefore, the aim of this …

Actived: 8 days ago


Muscle weakness in the elderly: role of sarcopenia, dynapenia, and

WebSarcopenia has been considered to be a minor modifiable risk factor for health outcomes, and it plays a significant role in the etiology of disability [14, 45].Sarcopenia is understood as an age-related loss of muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical function [].The term sarcopenia has been defined as the age-related loss of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Physical activity, resilience, emotions, moods, and weight control …

WebBackground The main purpose of the research was to examine the differences between adults in the age group 70+ and two other age groups (45–59 and 60–69), concerning their healthy and active lifestyle. The death toll of the current COVID-19 pandemic is strongly biased toward the elderly. However, some studies of crises suggest …

Category:  Health Go Health

Role of physical activity in the prevention of falls and their

WebFalls are a major health problem among the elderly. Thirty percent of people aged 65 and older living in community fall at least once a year [], and this rate increases with age [].As life expectancy increases, there is a higher number of less healthy and less fit elderly people living longer with their infirmities [46, 89, 107].Consequently, the risk of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why physical activity matters for older adults in a time of pandemic

WebThe COVID-19 pandemic has impacted communities across the world. Government responses, of promoting ‘social distancing’ at a population level, and ‘self-isolation’ of older adults to mitigate its spread have been unprecedented. Despite the importance of these Public Health and Social Measures (PHSM), they present …

Category:  Health Go Health

Is whole-body vibration beneficial for seniors

WebNormal aging processes result in losses of functional flexibility and muscular strength, which increase seniors’ fall risk and dependence on others. A relatively new intervention to reduce and/or reverse the adverse effects of aging is whole-body vibration (WBV) exercise. The purpose of this article is to review the established effects of WBV …

Category:  Health Go Health

Systematic review of functional training on muscle strength, …

WebExercise programs are often recommended for preventing or delaying late-life disability. Programs that incorporate functional training, which uses movements similar to performing activities of daily living, may be suitable for such recommendation. The purpose of this systematic review was to examine the effects of functional training on muscle …

Category:  Health Go Health

Physical activity, genes, and lifetime predisposition to chronic

WebThis mini-review summarizes the main associations between physical activity and chronic diseases and discusses the basic concepts related to the role of genetic factors in studies evaluating the effects of physical activity/exercise therapy on chronic disease prevention/treatment during the life course. Many observational cohort studies have …

Category:  Course Go Health

Best practices for physical activity programs and behavior …

WebUnfortunately, simply disseminating information about the health benefits of moderate physical activity does not appear to be sufficient in terms of increasing participation among older adults [].To effect long-term changes in behavior, it is necessary to identify, examine, and begin to address the barriers to physical activity that prevent older …

Category:  Health Go Health

A life course approach: research orientations and future challenges

WebThe need to study lifelong changes in health and functioning has resulted in increasing emphasis on a life course approach in different fields of inquiry. The aim of this approach is to explore how biological, psychological, and social risk factor trajectories, acting across the entire life course, influence age-related diseases, functional decline, …

Category:  Course Go Health

Physical activity and sedentary behavior trajectories and their

WebPhysical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) are not stable conditions but change over time and among individuals, and both could have deleterious effects on health-related outcomes among older adults. This study aimed to identify the longitudinal trajectories of PA and SB and estimate their association with quality of life, disability, and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Effectiveness of power training compared to strength training in …

WebResearch suggests that muscle power is a more critical determinant of physical functioning in older adults than muscle strength. The objective of this study was to systematically review the literature on the effect of power training compared to strength training in older adults on tests for muscle power, two groups of activity-based tests …

Category:  Health Go Health

Ageing and exercise: building body capital in old age

WebA growing body of literature suggests that physical exercise has beneficial effects on physical, psychological and social functions in healthy older adults [1,2,3].Research generally supports the mood-boosting, anxiety-reducing, stress-buffering and self-esteem-generating benefits of physical activity [4, 5].Evidence about health …

Category:  Health Go Health

Overview of the physiological changes and optimal diet in the …

WebBasically, our lifespan is determined genetically. However, several other parameters such as the environment, lifestyle and diet have a high impact on living in the best of health. Many older persons suffer from various diseases, which often cannot be avoided; however, their development can be postponed and symptoms can be mitigated …

Category:  Health Go Health

Functional and/or structural brain changes in response to …

WebBackground During the aging process, physical capabilities (e.g., muscular strength) and cognitive functions (e.g., memory) gradually decrease. Regarding cognitive functions, substantial functional (e.g., compensatory brain activity) and structural changes (e.g., shrinking of the hippocampus) in the brain cause this decline. Notably, growing …

Category:  Health Go Health

Perceptions of physical activity among elderly residents and

WebPhysical activity is often described as being important for people of all ages, but what different people mean when they talk about physical activity is unclear. A phenomenographic method was used to analyze how 13 older people and 17 professionals answer the question, “If I say physical activity, what does the concept mean to you?” as …

Category:  Health Go Health

A bio-psycho-social model of successful aging as shown through …

WebIn this article, we present and explain a bio-psycho-social model of successful aging with subjective well-being as a criterion of a successful aging process. We focus on physical activity because it is a crucial behavior. Physical activity can support successful aging in two different ways: first, due to its physiological and cognitive effects, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Serious games in prevention and rehabilitation—a new panacea …

WebDigital games cannot only be used for fun and entertainment. The term “serious games” (SG) denotes digital games serving serious purposes like education, training, advertising, research and health. Recently, a new generation of games has emerged involving whole-body movements. Compared to traditional interventions, these …

Category:  Health Go Health