Engineering Career Series: Technical Leadership at Yelp

WebYelp is a highly collaborative environment where product, design, management, and technical leaders share goals and direction, but each focus on different aspects based on their expertise. For example, a product manager’s (PM) expertise is market fit, and a TL’s expertise is technical execution. A PM might focus on whether a …

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Bringing Health Inspection Scores to Yelp

WebWill walks us through the challenges of bringing restaurant health inspection scores to Yelp, a feature we announced today at the United States Conference of Mayors in Washington, DC. As you may have seen on our official blog, we are very excited about our initial release of the Local Inspection Value-Entry Specification (LIVES).

Category:  Health Go Health

Engineering Career Series: Fostering inclusion

WebRecruiting, hiring, and onboarding new employees in Engineering at Yelp is a multi-team, cross-functional effort as we have laid out in our Career Series blog posts. But once people are here, how do we retain them? While career advancement, technical leadership, and pay equity are all important components to building a happy engineering …

Category:  Health Go Health

Data Science Contest “Keeping it Fresh”: Predict …

WebYelp engineers have been fascinated by this problem. In a recent internal hackathon, a team of Yelp engineers comprising of Wing Y., Srivathsan R., Florian H., Jon C. and Srivatsan S., decided to dive deep into our rich user-generated content to find out correlations between reviews and actual health scores for businesses.They modelled Yelp reviews as a bag …

Category:  Health Go Health

Engineering Career Series: Ensuring Pay Equity & Career

WebAt Yelp, we care deeply about ensuring all employees are compensated fairly for their contributions, regardless of their gender, race, and ethnicity. Within Yelp Engineering, we work hard to achieve equal pay for equal work through a combination of tactics: In a previous blog post, we described how we think about career progression and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Keeping track of engineering-wide goals and migrations

WebThis aims to provide a platform to keep track of and send detailed reports on the progress of these initiatives at the team and organization level. Teams often do not have the bandwidth to address all of the audits surfaced. To alleviate this, Required Migrations serve as a way to prioritize engineering initiatives.

Category:  Health Go Health

Powering Messaging Enabledness with Yelp's Data …

WebYelp’s Data Lake is our solution for storing schematized data at scale. Our Data Lake is built on top of the Apache Parquet format, Amazon S3, and Amazon Glue. This S3 based architecture allows us to cheaply store data, making it possible for us to keep records over a long period of time. Our Data Lake implementation also integrates with our

Category:  Health Go Health

Yelp Engineering and Product Blog

WebMar 8, 2024. Yelp relies heavily on streaming to synchronize enormous volumes of data in real time. This is facilitated by Yelp’s underlying data pipeline infrastructure, which manages the real-time flow of millions of messages originating from a plethora of services. This blog post covers how we leverage Yelp’s extensive streaming

Category:  Health Go Health

Automatically Categorizing Yelp Businesses

WebSep 2, 2015. At Yelp, we use categories for businesses to help determine search results, improve search relevance, inform our users of what a business does, as well as help our sales team target groups of businesses. For example, Starbucks is categorized as Coffee & Tea, and Walgreens stores are often categorized as both Drugstores and

Category:  Health Go Health

SignalForm: Charts as Code with SignalFx and Terraform

WebTerraform manages most of our AWS infrastructure, allowing engineers to code review infrastructure changes before they’re applied. We decided to apply the same methodology to our SignalFx artifacts. SignalForm is a Terraform provider which leverages the new SignalFx API to create, update and delete SignalFx resources.

Category:  Health Go Health

Improving the performance of the Prometheus JMX Exporter

WebAt Yelp, usage of Prometheus, the open-source monitoring system and time series database, is blossoming.Yelp is initially focusing on onboarding infrastructure services to be monitored via Prometheus, one such service being Apache Kafka.This blogpost discusses some of the performance issues we initially encountered while monitoring …

Category:  Health Go Health

Yelp Engineering and Product Blog

WebFor years, Yelp continued to use an interview process that was created when we were a 50-200 person Engineering organization, with only a handful of interviewers: Each interviewer wrote their own interview questions A few senior leaders gave overall hire/no hire decisions for every panel Interviewers received ad hoc feedback from senior leaders when it …

Category:  Health Go Health

Kafka on PaaSTA: Running Kafka on Kubernetes at Yelp (Part 1

WebThe Kafka Kubernetes operator uses the config, CRD, and the Docker image in its interaction with the Kubernetes API to generate a KafkaCluster Custom Resource on a Kubernetes master. This allows us to schedule Kafka pods on Kubernetes nodes, and the operator oversees and maintains the health of the cluster through both the Kubernetes …

Category:  Health Go Health

Yelp Engineering and Product Blog

WebJan 13, 2021. Improving Code Ownership at Yelp In this prior blog post, Kent talked about how the Engineering Effectiveness (EE) organization was created at Yelp to reduce communication complexity between core teams and product teams. Core teams need to communicate infrastructure changes, manage the deprecation of libraries and tools, and

Category:  Health Go Health

ElastAlert: Alerting At Scale With Elasticsearch, Part 2

WebThe any type will alert on any document which matches the filter. Maybe this would generate too many alerts. We can change the type to frequency to only alert if multiple SSH failures occur. We can refine it further by using query_key to group the events by username. This will allow us to alert only if a certain number of failures have occurred for a given user.

Category:  Health Go Health

Engineering Career Series: Using structured interviews to

WebEngineering Career Series: Using structured interviews to improve equity. Grace Jiras Yuan, Technical Recruiting Manager; Kent Wills, Director of Engineering Effectiveness. May 6, 2021. For years, Yelp continued to use an interview process that was created when we were a 50-200 person Engineering organization, with only a handful of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Engineering Career Series: How we think about engineering …

WebEngineering Career Series: How we think about engineering management. Wing Yung and Alex Levy, Engineering VPs for Consumer and Biz. Jul 1, 2021. In our last post we talked about technical leadership, one of the growth paths available to software engineers at Yelp. In this post we’d like to share more about engineering management, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Monitoring Cassandra at Scale

WebOften our applications using Cassandra read and write at LOCAL_ONE, which means that we can get robust monitoring by deploying the above check twice: the first monitoring LOCAL_ONE that pages operators, and the second monitoring LOCAL_QUORUM that cuts a ticket on operators. When running with a replication factor of three, this allows us to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Minimizing read-write MySQL downtime

WebMinimizing read-write MySQL downtime. The relational database of choice at Yelp is MySQL and it powers much of the Yelp app and MySQL does not include a native high-availability solution for the replacement of a primary server, which is a single point of failure. This is a tradeoff of its dedication to ensuring consistency.

Category:  Health Go Health