
What is Perinatal Mental Health, and why is it important

WEBThe psychiatric processes inherent in maternity and birth have been little studied, whether in the field of psychology or obstetrics. This has created a vacuum, resulting in attention to mother and baby in the perinatal period focused on the physical and medical aspects of maternity, and giving little attention to its psychiatric aspects and the …

Actived: 4 days ago

URL: https://eipmh.com/what-is-perinatal-mental-health-and-why-is-it-important/

Psychology of physiological birth

WEBGiving birth physiologically is an intense and transformative psychological experience that generates a sense of empowerment. The benefits of this process can be maximized through physical, emotional and social support for women, enhancing their belief in their ability to birth and not disturbing physiology unless it is necessary. By Ibone Olza, MD, PhD, …

Category:  Health Go Health

It matters how you give birth: mode of delivery and mental health

WEBA study published in the latest edition of Archives of Women’s Health has found that instrumental births (those requiring forceps, vacuum extraction, etc.) and cesarean sections are related to a higher number of psychological difficulties after birth – ranging from lack of adjustment to motherhood to post-traumatic stress disorder. To put these conclusions …

Category:  Health Go Health

European Institute of Perinatal Mental Health

WEBThe EIPMH offers: Specialized training in perinatal mental health (in Spanish). The basic program is a one-year training structured around 11 seminars, including space for self-reflection and inner insight into past and present experiences, motivations and beliefs that influence one’s work in the perinatal field, with the aim of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Postpartum Psychosis Awareness Campaign

WEBThe European Institute of Perinatal Mental Health launched this awareness campaign on postpartum psychosis, coinciding with the celebration of World Day of Maternal Mental Health, because of the dramatic consequences associated with undetected and untreated postpartum psychosis. There is a great ignorance about what postpartum psychosis is

Category:  Health Go Health

Positive effect of maternity leave on attachment and quality of …

WEBA recent study by Plotka, R. & Busch-Rossnagel examines associations among length of maternity leave, mother–child interactions, and attachment among American working mothers and their infants. The only countries, other than the U.S., that do not require any paid leave for mothers are Papua New Guinea and Suriname (World Policy Forum 2015).

Category:  Health Go Health

Breastfeeding and Mental Health Training European …

WEBThe European Institute of Perinatal Mental Health launches this annual training focused on the most psychological, neurobiological and sociocultural aspects of breastfeeding. The training is based on the ecosystemic model of perinatal mental health attention, that on one hand acknowledges the neurobiological and affective needs of infants and their mothers …

Category:  Health Go Health

Perinatal Mental Health Training Program

WEBOpen. Our training is aimed at all professionals who provide care at different stages of motherhood, and who therefore have a direct impact on the emotional and mental health of mothers and babies, including midwives, doctors, nurses, psychologists, doulas, lactation consultants, and more. Because our training is cross- and multi-disciplinary

Category:  Health Go Health

Passion for birth trauma research: Cheryl Beck

WEBThe Anniversary of Birth Trauma: Failure to Rescue. Beck, Cheryl Tatano. 2006. Nursing Research. 55 (6):381-390, Cheryl is an obstetric nurse (the midwife equivalent in the USA) and one of her first studies, back in the eighties, was a beautiful paper about parturients’ temporal experiences during the phases of labor [i].

Category:  Health Go Health

Impact of epidural on bonding

WEBAccording to Dr. Buckley, there is a feedback loop during labor in which the sensations the woman feels send signals to the brain and uterus to step up the contractions. By eliminating the sensations of labor with an epidural, you knock out this feedback, so labor often slows down or stops – and then you need synthetic oxytocin.

Category:  Health Go Health

PTSD and obstetric violence

WEBObstetric violence may be the consequence of extreme medicalization of childbirth (which also includes the denial of its spiritual dimension) (Callister 2004). Professionals may exert obstetric violence because of different reasons: Lack of technical skills to deal with emotional and sexual aspects of childbirth. Unsolved trauma.

Category:  Medical Go Health

UN: Obstetric violence is a human rights violation

WEBA UN report published in April 201 9 warns against “the widespread and systematic phenomenon of violence towards women and girls in reproductive services”, and urges states to “address the structural problems and root causes of violence against women in reproductive health services, with a focus on childbirth and obstetric violence.” We …

Category:  Health Go Health

Mothers with a mask or… the still-face experiment

WEBA perinatal psychiatrist pointed out to a colleague how this seemed to her like the still-face experiment. In 1975, Edward Tronick and colleagues described a phenomenon in which an infant, after a few minutes of sitting face to face with a non-responsive expressionless mother, “rapidly sobers and grows wary.

Category:  Health Go Health

They could not live without the love

WEBIt was a meaningless task, as all the infants died. They could not survive without the caressing, the smiles, the words of their mothers or even their nursemaids. In the words of Salimbene, 13th century historian: « They could not live without the caresses…. » This observation is the first know comment about how essential touch and physical

Category:  Health Go Health

I love the smell of my baby – science tells me why

WEBThe neurobiology of birth has one purpose: to create a caring bond between the mother and her infant. Nature does not only seek to secure the survival of the young human, but to gain maximum emotional, social and physical fitness. If there is something all new parents find out it is that their infant´s heads have an astounding smell.

Category:  Fitness Go Health

A General Assembly

WEBA/74/137 6/23 19-11859 women and girls when seeking other forms of sexual and reproductive healthcare, including gynaecological examinations, abortion, fertility treatments and

Category:  Health Go Health

Effect of mother´s stress on breastmilk composition

WEBExcerpt from the research study Human milk cortisol and immune factors over the first three postnatal months: Relations to maternal psychosocial distress. Many bioactive factors are present in human milk, including immune factors and hormones. These factors contribute to optimal infant health and development. The immune factors in human milk complement …

Category:  Health Go Health