
How To Be a Disciplined Person [Science-Based Guide]

WebIn order to become good at something – being disciplined included. You need to simply become aware of – in this case – our impulsiveness. So, to eliminate the lack of self-control. You first need to recognize it. The chaotic and materialistic society has a way of pushing us toward acting irrationally.

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URL: https://durmonski.com/self-improvement/how-to-be-a-disciplined-person/

The Different Types of Self-Discipline (And Why They Matter)

Web1. Structural Discipline. Structural discipline is about creating structure in your day – a plan – that helps you get ahead. Structural discipline is creating a certain type of order in your day and adhering to that order. It’s basically what we imagine when we hear the word self-discipline.

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Why Is Discipline Important

WebHowever, the hardest thing is not the writing part, it’s the showing up part. Discipline is important because it helps you consistently show up and do what you’ve said you are going to do, even if you don’t feel like doing it. Even when motivation is low – or non-existent. 1 Even when there is no one cheering you.

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7 Mental Models for Decision-Making to Ditch Uncertainty

Web7. Decision Matrix. 1. First Principles. First-principles thinking is a fundamental mental model for making complicated things uncomplicated. The idea here is that you dissect an idea, object, some sort of problem, with the underlying goal to understand what are the basic building elements of this thing.

Category:  Health Go Health

How To Think Better (Evidence-Based Ways to Think Better)

WebTo think better, you need to water your brain with valuable insights. Such that provoke more thoughts, not such that aim to reduce thinking. Sadly, when I look around, especially online. Most of what I find is an abundance of mass-produced, nutritionally-void food-substance that isn’t designed to help me think better.

Category:  Nutrition,  Food Go Health

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk …

WebThe Book In Three Or More Sentences: The stories shared inside The Body Keeps the Score will shock you. The studies will enlighten you. The healing methods will give you hope and the power to push forward. In short, this book can help people conquer human misery. Bessel van der Kolk, the author, patiently uncovers what makes combat …

Category:  Health Go Health

Shifting The Burden: The Most Insidious Archetype

WebHere’s where shifting the burden to the intervenor enters. This is a systems archetype that often occurs when there is a problem. It originates from the theory of systems thinking, but its wide application in our daily lives makes it intolerably wicked. The explanation of shifting the burden goes something like this: Looking for an easy way

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Stay Sane by Philippa Perry [Actionable Summary]

WebThe Book In Three Or More Sentences: How to Stay Sane by Philippa Perry, is like a short user manual for your mental health. The author, a practicing psychotherapist, equips us with a curated powerful arsenal. Storage of arms that allow us to defend ourselves from the chaos trying to corrupt our thinking – and well-being.

Category:  Health Go Health

How The Iceberg Model of Systems Thinking Can Help …

WebFiguring out what actually created the problem in the first place, and acting based on this realization, is what makes the iceberg model of systems thinking so damn efficient. There are many more ways to solve a problem, of course. But what makes the iceberg model so graceful is the relentless desire to understand what’s behind the curtain.

Category:  Course Go Health

Defining Implementation Intentions and How to Make Them Work …

WebHere’s what you can do to carry out an implementation intention in the noisy 21st century: 1. Get specific on when you are going to do what you want to do. This is the classic implementation intention one-liner. Or basically, After/before [behavior], I will [desired behavior] in [location] at [time].

Category:  Health Go Health

7 Ways To Use Systems Thinking in Your Daily Life

WebOutput: A wooden chair. And here’s how we can present the digestive system of the human body: Input: Food and liquids. Systems: The digestive (or gastrointestinal) system doing its work. Output: Visiting the restroom. To make improvements in our lives, businesses, whatever, we need to focus on the first 2.

Category:  Food Go Health

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker [Actionable Summary]

WebThis passive learning process gets even stronger when we shut our eyes. Fact 3: Sleep fuels our creativity. During sleep our brains build connections, nurturing our problem-solving skills and imagination. Fact 4: The main function of dreaming is to help us resolve past, or current, emotional problems.

Category:  Health Go Health

Effortless by Greg McKeown [Actionable Summary]

WebThis is a comprehensive summary of the book Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most by Greg McKeown.Covering the key ideas and proposing practical ways for achieving what’s mentioned in the text. Written by book fanatic and online librarian Ivaylo Durmonski.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Great Mental Models Volume 1 Summary

Web5 Key Lessons from The Great Mental Models Vol.1: Lesson #1: Remove Blind Spots To Win. Lesson #2: Do not Seek For Unlimited Gain In a Limited World. Lesson #3: Learn to Navigate Outside of Your Circle Of Competence. Lesson #4: Use Second-Order Thinking To Prevent Problems and Advance In Life. Lesson #5: Use The General …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Importance of Values: How Values Shape Who We Are

WebValues are important in our daily lives because they guide our behavior. They influence how we think, the decision we make, the habits we incorporate into our lives, and the people we hang out with. Values provide a foundation upon which we can build our character and guide our actions.

Category:  Health Go Health

Internet Rabbit Holes Explained

WebIvaylo Durmonski. 22/03/2022. Well-being. Prior to January 1, 1983, the year when the first network of networks was assembled – a.k.a the internet – it didn’t take long for people to hit a brick wall in terms of things to do. Surely libraries and churches were options to make use of your time but they weren’t as intense, and as

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams

WebLesson #1: Create a Bullshit Filter. An odd way to start a book, but in the preface of the title – if you decide to read it – you’ll find six tips that aim to help you filter the useful information from the rubbish in relation to starting a business, making decisions, or making conclusions based on what others are sharing.. Scott Adams shares six bullshit …

Category:  Health Go Health

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill [Actionable Summary]

Web28/03/2019. This is a comprehensive summary of the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Covering the key ideas and proposing practical ways for achieving what’s mentioned in the text. Written by book fanatic and online librarian Ivaylo Durmonski. Supporting Members get access to a downloadable worksheet.

Category:  Health Go Health