
What Does Healthy Eating Really Mean

WEBWhole vegetables and fruits, whole grains, dry beans and legumes, and proteins like whole cuts of fish and meat are usually minimally processed. These foods are nutrient dense. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, as well as healthy fats, slow digesting carbohydrates, and protein. Per calorie, these foods provide …

Actived: 3 days ago

URL: https://www.drsharongam.com/articles/what-does-healthy-eating-really-mean

How To Eat More Whole Grains — Dr Sharon Gam

WEBEat whole grain bread instead of white bread, brown rice instead of white rice, or whole wheat pasta. If you don’t like whole grains as much as refined ones, train your taste buds by slowly mixing whole grains into the refined grains you’re used to, then gradually add more whole grains and remove the refined ones.

Category:  Health Go Health

Building Healthy Habits: How Habits Work — Dr Sharon Gam

WEBStep 2: Choose a reward. Your reward needs to happen immediately. It’s not good enough to reward yourself at the end of the day if you’ve finished your whole water bottle. That’s too far away from the behavior (all the sips of water you took throughout the day). Your reward also needs to be a positive emotion.

Category:  Health Go Health

How To Find Balance In Your Healthy Lifestyle — Dr Sharon Gam

WEBYour balance might even change over time, as you get older and your responsibilities and priorities change. It might also change temporarily with your circumstances, like when you start having children, need to care for a sick relative, make a career change that demands more time and effort, or have any big life event.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Many Benefits Of Exercise And How To Get Them

WEBSummary: Exercise boosts your energy levels, making you feel less tired and giving you the drive to take on all the things you need to do each day, and all the things you want to do. Regular exercise can be even more effective than supplements and stimulants for boosting energy!

Category:  Supplements Go Health

How To Eat More Vegetables And Fruits — Dr Sharon Gam

WEBThe more, the better! At a minimum, aim for at least 5 daily servings to ensure you’re getting plenty of nutrients. A serving is generally about half a cup of cooked or raw vegetables. For fruit, aim for at least 2 servings of whole fruits (not fruit juice or flavorings). A serving of fruit is generally one piece of fruit - a whole banana

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Benefits Of Strength Training — Dr Sharon Gam

WEBCreating Mastery Experiences. Another one of the mental health benefits of strength training is that it gives you “mastery experiences”, which are opportunities to achieve small goals or build skills. You might think that strength training only builds physical skills, but you’d be wrong. It also builds the mental skills that can help you

Category:  Health Go Health

The "Moving Target" Mindset: What It Is And How To Overcome It …

WEBThe most important part of achieving your health and fitness goals is your mindset. With the wrong mindset, you could have the most perfect plan in the world and it won’t do you any good. With the right mindset, almost any program or plan you follow will help you get results. I’ve written before

Category:  Fitness Go Health

Why A Healthy Lifestyle Is Essential If You Have A High Stress Job

WEBPrioritizing a healthy lifestyle is not just about your long-term health (although that's incredibly important). It’s essential for supporting all the things that matter most to you right now, like your job success, your relationships, and your happiness.

Category:  Health Go Health

How To Exercise For Depression and Anxiety — Dr Sharon Gam

WEBThe Research On Exercise, Depression, and Anxiety. A big study of more than 40,000 people found that the more active a person was, the less likely they were to report feelings of depression and anxiety. In that study, people who did more than 3 hours of physical activity a week were 128% less likely to report feelings of depression and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Using Strength Training To Get Comfortable With Discomfort

WEBUsing Strength Training To Get Comfortable With Discomfort. The research is clear. Exercise can boost your mental well-being and alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. I think strength training is especially good for this. Of course, exercise is not a cure for mental health problems.

Category:  Course Go Health

Exercise Makes You Feel Better! What Science Says About How To …

WEBOne study, for example, had college students spend 12 minutes on either a dull walking tour of their campus buildings, or sitting and watching a video of the same building tour.. Afterwards, those who completed the walking tour reported more positive mood than those who watched the video. In another part of that study, students were …

Category:  Health Go Health

Strength Training For Anxiety — Dr Sharon Gam

WEBStrength isn’t just for the gym. This 12 week self-paced course utilizes strength training to support your physical and mental health goals. Manage your anxiety holistically. This isn’t a cure (because there’s nothing wrong with you!), it’s about helping you build coping strategies and resilience while promoting your overall health.

Category:  Course Go Health

Choosing Your Weights For Mental Health — Dr Sharon Gam

WEBHere’s an example of choosing the right weights for mental health: In your first set of dumbbell chest presses you use a pair of 20-pound dumbbells which are very challenging. You finish that set at a level 9 out of 10 effort. In your second and third set, you might use 17.5 or 15-pound dumbbells to bring your effort down to an 8.

Category:  Health Go Health

How You Think About Exercise Matters: What “Counts” As Exercise

WEBIf you want to build a healthy relationship with your body and with exercise, there's an important mindset shift you need to make. It's all about the way you think about exercise. For most of us, the way we think about exercise comes from the way our society views it. We're bombarded with messages

Category:  Health Go Health

How Reframing Your Definition of Results Can Help You Achieve …

WEBWhen I ask a new client about their goals, they usually tell me they want to lose weight or look better in some way. Often they'll follow up by talking about their physical health, wanting to live longer or decrease their risk of health problems.

Category:  Health Go Health

Break The Start/Stop Cycle And Actually Stick To Exercise!

WEBBut things are rarely simple and convenient for long. As soon as something difficult or unexpected happens, you’re all-out again. You “take a break” and you reason that you’ll just start again when the time is right.. The Start/Stop Mindset Makes It …

Category:  Health Go Health

Short Term And Long Term Exercise Motivation — Dr Sharon Gam

WEBIt’s the difference between needing to do something, and wanting to do it because it’s meaningful to you or aligns with your core self-identity.. The type of motivation matters in terms of sticking to exercise in the long-term. As I read about the study, though, what stood out most to me was the idea of change and evolution.

Category:  Health Go Health

Personal Training FAQs — Dr Sharon Gam

WEBPersonal Training FAQs Is personal training right for me? Yes! Anyone can benefit from personal training. Whether you’ve never exercised before, you’re already into fitness and want to optimize your training, or anything in between, a personal training program can help you achieve your goals.

Category:  Fitness Go Health

How To Use Your Strengths To Achieve Your Fitness Goals

WEBAchieving your goals isn’t always easy, but there are powerful strategies that can improve your chances of success. One important strategy is to use your strengths to achieve your fitness goals. When I speak to people about their health and fitness, they often focus on the negatives. They talk

Category:  Fitness Go Health

You Don’t Have To Exercise For As Long As You Think

WEBYears ago, it was thought that you had to exercise in long continuous sessions to improve health and fitness. 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity cardio works out to about 30 minutes of brisk walking or slow jogging (or whatever kind of cardio you like), five days a week. Old guidelines said you had to do the full 30 minutes at a time.

Category:  Fitness Go Health