
Dr. Kara Fitzgerald

WebPast, Present, and Future of “Biological Aging” with Dr. Fitzgerald. Team DrKF sat down with Dr. Fitzgerald to pose some questions about the “state of the state” of longevity research, current controversies and future directions, and where she sees her….

Actived: 3 days ago

URL: https://www.drkarafitzgerald.com/

What is Functional Medicine

WebFunctional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical

Category:  Medical,  Medicine Go Health

Why we Choose to Practice (and Live) Functional Medicine

WebWith the Helfgott Research Institute, Dr. Fitzgerald is actively engaged in clinical research on the DNA methylome using a diet and lifestyle intervention developed in her practice. The first publication from the study focuses on reversal of biological aging and was published 04-12-2021 in the journal Aging.

Category:  Health Go Health

About Dr. Kara Fitzgerald

WebThe Sandy Hook Clinic (SHC) is located in the Sandy Hook Village section of Newtown, Connecticut. The clinic is housed on the fourth floor of a rehabilitated old brick mill building, overlooking the Pootatuck River. Visitors find the clinic setting to be beautiful, centering and relaxing. Indeed, perched up above the river nestled in the Rocky

Category:  Health Go Health

Using Functional Medicine to Treat Osteoporosis

WebMcCormick often uses between 300 and 600 milligrams of ALA with patients. Supplement with berberine. Research suggests that berberine may lower osteoclast activity and boost osteoblast activity. He formulates his products with small doses of berberine, between 250 and 300 milligrams. Increase good fats in the diet.

Category:  Health Go Health

The role of Phytonutrients in Brain Health: Using Nutrition to Fight

WebLooking for more support? Phytonutrients are one aspect of our Functional Memory Rx approach for the protection of brain health and the prevention of cognitive decline. Along with diet, we focus on incorporating other important lifestyle modifications.However, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or simply need added guidance, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Revolutionizing Healthcare: Rupa Health’s Mission to Empower

WebDelivering functional medicine services can be complex, but there are ways to streamline the process. In this episode of New Frontiers we turn our focus to Rupa Health – an innovative platform for specialty laboratory testing, and how they are living out their mission to make functional medicine accessible to all.. Dr. Kate Kresge, Head of Medical …

Category:  Medical,  Medicine Go Health

Beyond Calcium, Vitamin D, and Bisphosphonates: A functional …

WebDon’t forget the basics – vitamin D, calcium (if not enough in diet), magnesium, vitamin K (K2 MK-4, K2 MK-7, and K1 in combination and not too much), protein, electrolyte sufficiency, trace minerals. Maxing out supplemental calcium at 500-700 mg where possible, the rest should be from food – think sardines, kefir, and greens!

Category:  Food,  Vitamin Go Health

The Latest in Organic Acid Testing: What Clinicians Should Know …

WebFurther, the KTR is regarded as a marker for biological aging. 17. Microalbumin – Imagine checking for early kidney damage while running a patient’s organic acids test. Urine microalbumin is a standard clinical laboratory test that practitioners can now access as part of a metabolomics work-up.

Category:  Health Go Health

Surprise! 5 Potential Benefits of Lectins

WebLectins can be antimicrobial. In fact, plants use lectins primarily in their defense mechanisms against insects, molds, fungi, and other diseases. Lectins work against pathogens by binding to carbohydrates on the surface of the microbes. This influences their biological activity and how well they can bind to your cells.

Category:  Health Go Health

Dental Probiotics: What Are They & How Do They Benefit Oral …

WebThe human microbiome has become the center of many discussions related to health issues. This makes sense, considering that we are made up of more non-human microorganisms than human cells. 1 And if we broaden our view of what the human body is, we quickly understand that we cannot exclude the trillions of microorganisms living in …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health Notes by Publix

WebDr. Fitzgerald is on the faculty at IFM, is an IFM Certified Practitioner and lectures globally on functional medicine. She runs a Functional Nutrition Residency program, and maintains a podcast series, New Frontiers in Functional Medicine and an active blog on her website, www.drkarafitzgerald.com. Her clinical practice is in Sandy Hook

Category:  Nutrition,  Medicine Go Health

The Power of Black Cumin Seed

WebBlack cumin seed is a potent antimicrobial with the ability to fight bacteria, parasites, fungi and even viruses. It has demonstrated activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the strain of bacteria that is difficult to treat and resistant to antibiotics. Black cumin seed even reduces viral load and improves other

Category:  Health Go Health

Iodine Deficiency, Breast Health, and Hormone Balance

WebIodine is an essential trace element necessary for the production of all hormones in the body and proper function in the immune system. [2] It plays a vital role in several aspects of health, including: Aiding hormone production, particularly in the thyroid gland. Promoting and regulating physical and mental growth.

Category:  Health Go Health

Beyond Beauty: Targeting Skin Longevity with Urolithin A

WebIn the pursuit of wellness and longevity, skin health often mirrors the body’s internal state, serving as a visible testament to our overall well-being. Yet, traditional approaches to skincare have predominantly focused on treating the surface, neglecting the deeper cellular processes that fundamentally influence the skin’s aging and vitality.

Category:  Health Go Health

Fingernails: A window into your metabolic soul

WebNails are comprised primarily of the sulfur-rich protein, keratin, derived from tightly packed keratinocytes, the main cell type of the epithelium. Keratin is a highly biosorbent compound — it readily binds many essential and toxic metals and other chemicals. (UB biochemistry students: see the keratin protein structure below.)

Category:  Health Go Health

Best of 2023 in Functional Medicine and Longevity

WebAs 2023 draws to a close, here’s the content you liked most this year, and as usual it aligns with what we loved as well. Going beyond longevity and epigenetics, this year we covered a wide range of cutting-edge topics – from SPMs, urolithin A and OS-01 peptides, to nuanced thinking and recontextualizing established themes such as …

Category:  Health Go Health

Super-Hydrating Electrolyte Formula

WebSuper-Hydrating Electrolyte Formula. Combine all ingredients and stir until dissolved. Drink 1 liter daily, maximum, unless otherwise directed. If you desire flavor, squeeze in lemon, lime or orange. Or puree a few berries or mint (with seltzer for part of the 1 liter amount, as desired.) If you prefer sweetness, a small amount of honey, maple

Category:  Health Go Health

Four Critical Reasons to Use Food Sensitivity Testing

WebReason #3: Avoid Supplementation Faux Pas. Food sensitivity testing can stop practitioners from recommending dietary supplements to which a patient may react. For example, many clinicians use oregano in patients with small-intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). However, some patients may react to oregano.

Category:  Supplements,  Food Go Health