What causes discharge from your dog’s eyes

WebTrauma may cause your dog’s eye to produce discharge, and your dog will likely scratch or rub their eye with their paw. Their eyeball (s) may appear bloodshot and sore. Corneal …

Actived: 2 days ago


Dog Health Topics

WebDog health symptoms, questions and answers, rooted in veterinary science. Browse or learn by topic. Behavioral | Dental and Oral | Digestive | Ears | Eyes | Musculoskeletal

Category:  Health Go Health

What are possible causes of cloudy eyes in dogs

WebTrauma. One of the most common causes of eye issues in dogs is a scratch to the lens of their eye. Injuries to the eyes and head can cause scarring or blindness, and can result …

Category:  Health Go Health

What causes skin discharge or oozing in dogs

WebThe discharge is often clear and sticky. The skin damage is caused by your dog themselves: licking, chewing, scratching or gnawing. Usually the extra itchiness is caused by an …

Category:  Health Go Health

What causes your dog’s face to swell up

WebBug Bite. A bug bite, such as a spider bite or a bee sting, will often cause localized swelling where the bite occurred. Bug bites often appear super dramatically! They may also …

Category:  Health Go Health

What causes dogs to stagger or fall over

WebOne of the most common causes for the sudden onset of falling and stumbling is idiopathic vestibular disease. This is also known as ‘old dog vestibular disease’ as it tends to affect …

Category:  Health Go Health

What causes collapse in dogs

WebInternal bleeding (most often into the abdominal cavity) is an unfortunately common cause of collapse in older large breed dogs. The most common culprit is a bleeding tumor on the …

Category:  Health Go Health

What causes your dog’s abdomen to swell up

WebA serious cause of abdominal swelling that requires immediate veterinary assistance is stomach bloat. In these emergency situations, your dog’s stomach can become very …

Category:  Health Go Health

What causes dogs to drink more water than normal

WebThe kidneys are responsible for filtering, concentrating, and producing urine. If kidney function is compromised, the urine produced will always be dilute. When dogs are …

Category:  Health Go Health

How do you prevent your dog from having seizures

WebThe most effective way to prevent your dog from having further seizures is with the use of medication that has been prescribed by your veterinarian. The general rule of thumb for …

Category:  Health Go Health

What causes seizures in dogs

WebToxins or Poisoning. There is a long list of toxins that can cause seizures in dogs. Common medications that may cause seizures (especially if an overdose occurs) include …

Category:  Health Go Health

What causes inappropriate urination in dogs

WebDiabetes Mellitus. Diabetes is a disease that causes high blood sugar in dogs. It will often be noticed by dog owners as inappropriate urination (in the house). The dog is usually …

Category:  Health Go Health

What can you do when your dog’s face is swollen

WebBy Emily Segal, RVT. Reviewed by Elizabeth Davis, MVB Unfortunately, there aren’t any home remedies for facial swelling in dogs. This is because the most likely causes of …

Category:  Health Go Health

What causes your dog to drool or dribble excessively

WebExcessive bacterial build-up in the mouth leads to gingivitis and periodontal disease. Inflamed gums and infected teeth are painful and can cause your dog to drool. Similarly, …

Category:  Health Go Health

What causes increased urination in dogs

WebHyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is a condition that occurs when the thyroid gland over produces the hormone (thyroxine) that controls metabolism. When this happens, the …

Category:  Health Go Health

When is excessive thirst in dogs a sign of something serious (or an

WebSudden and severe changes that are accompanied by other symptoms (lethargy, vomiting, loss of appetite) should be seen on an emergency basis. If the signs are subtle, gradual, …

Category:  Health Go Health

How can you treat your dog’s bladder mishaps

WebBladder stones may need to be surgically removed. Some can be dissolved with a special prescription diet, but repeated x-rays and urine tests, and often long courses of …

Category:  Course Go Health

What can you do when you notice oozing from your dog’s skin

WebIf you notice oozing from your dog’s skin, it’s important to prevent them from chewing or scratching at the affected area. Chewing or scratching will contribute to the disruption of …

Category:  Health Go Health