
Bonnie Berman Cushing

WEBBonnie Berman Cushing is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and an anti-racist organizer and educator. She has worked in the mental health field for over 25 years as a family-systems therapist. She informs both her own — and others’ — clinical practice with an analysis of the dynamics of power, privilege and oppression. To this end, Bonnie

Actived: 7 days ago

URL: https://cswac.org/person/bonnie-berman-cushing/

Multiracial Microaggressions

WEBMicroaggressions have received a lot of study in recent years. Racial microaggressions are “brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative” messages toward people of color.1 While the occurrence of a single …

Category:  Health Go Health

What does healing look like

WEBSometimes we need to spend time apart in order to come together. Sometimes we need to be angry in order to heal. It’s like this: I’m facilitating a workshop at Occupy Phoenix about colorblindedness and privilege on the Left and a middle aged white man compares “healing” the divisions created by people of color trying to create caucus space to overcoming the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Board Center for the Study of White American Culture

WEBRev. David Billings, a white anti-racist, Organizer, Educator, Minister, and a long-distance runner for social justice, pulls the covers off the intricacies of white supremacy in this nation.

Category:  Health Go Health

"What About Me

WEBEfforts to manage diversity and promote inclusion have become commonplace in corporations, governmental bodies, colleges and universities, and other organizational settings.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Two-Dimensional Model of Racial Positioning

WEBAccording to this two-dimensional model, the social position of a racial group in the US can best be described by whether that group is commonly perceived to be superior or inferior, and whether the same group is perceived to be American or foreign. The researchers apply their model to the four largest racial and ethnic groups in the US …

Category:  Health Go Health

Let’s Recognize White American Culture

WEBOne important reason to recognize white American culture is because it exists. White Americans, as a group, basically control what’s going on in the United States, and so our culture sets the norms. In fact, it’s one and the same process. Those who set the norms control what goes on, and those who control what goes on set the norms.

Category:  Health Go Health