Crystal Bracelets

WEBTiger’s Eye Bracelet. $28.00 USD. (5 Reviews) Choose options. Shop crystal healing bracelets. Explore our collection of crystal healing bracelets designed to enhance your energy and promote holistic wellness. Our bracelets feature genuine gemstones such as amethyst, rose quartz, and tourmaline, each with their own unique properties and benefits.

Actived: 6 days ago


8 Healing Crystals for the Heart Chakra – CRYSTALS.COM

WEB8 Healing Crystals for the Heart Chakra Restore, expand, and fulfill your most powerful love-source. Also called the 4th Chakra and Anahata--the Heart Chakra is perhaps the most commonly unbalanced chakra and yet the most important for a fulfilling human experience. Anahata is a Sanskrit word that means unbroken and un

Category:  Health Go Health

Your online Crystal Shop, Real Crystals Delivered Fast

WEBSourcing the highest quality crystals and ritual products from around the world to bring inspiration and peace from the earth's natural elements. Your source to buy high-quality healing Crystals, minerals, Crystal Jewelry, and fine specimens. Cleanse from negative vibrations with our crystal kits, sage and palo santo.

Category:  Health Go Health

All About Sunstone: Meaning, Benefits, & Uses – CRYSTALS.COM

WEBSunstone is a beloved crystal for those seeking clarity, joy, positivity, passion, and creativity. With its bright and radiant energy, this crystal is often used to help bring out our best qualities and traits. Sunstone is known for its uplifting effects, helping us see the good in the world and in others. Its high vibrations can quickly shift

Category:  Health Go Health

Chrysoprase Crystal Healing Properties: A Comprehensive Guide

WEBA Chrysoprase crystal is also the birthstone for May. The Chrysoprase crystal healing properties have been valued in many cultures for centuries now. Chrysoprase is known in the metaphysical world for its ability to soothe and calm, first and foremost. Its energy is akin to a gentle, refreshing spring, bringing forth renewal and emotional balance.

Category:  Health Go Health

Green Aventurine: Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses

WEBIts life-affirming energy stimulates the movement of good chi throughout the body, boosting recovery from illness or injury and promoting overall wellbeing. Also a nervous system soother, you can use green aventurine to ease stress and tension, settle nervous butterflies in your belly, calm a racing mind and help you catch your breath.

Category:  Health Go Health

Healing Crystals for Sale Online

WEBIn our selection of healing crystals online, we’ve compiled stones that are specifically intended to cleanse your home or office, dispel negative energy, bring closure to an emotional event or trial, and promote an overall healthier approach to life. We offer numerous herbal and wood energy cleansers, such as sage, rosemary, cedar, yerba

Category:  Health Go Health

Opal: Healing Properties & Uses – CRYSTALS.COM

WEBOpal is a mesmerizing crystal known for its stunning beauty and emotional healing properties. With its unique properties, this precious stone can help you ignite your passion, open your heart, and promote a sense of creativity in your daily life. Whether you wear it as a piece of jewelry or simply keep it nearby, opal is sure to bring a touch

Category:  Health Go Health

Moss Agate: Healing Properties & Everyday Uses – CRYSTALS.COM

WEBMoss Agate: Healing Properties & Everyday Uses The Meaning of Moss Agate Moss agate has been used throughout all times in almost all cultures to bring growth, stability, and abundance- to your garden, your mindset, your health, and your bank account! Associated with the energy of nature itself, moss agate brings

Category:  Health Go Health

Prehnite Healing properties and uses – CRYSTALS.COM

WEBPrehnite Healing properties and uses Prehnite is a powerful healing crystal known for its calming and grounding properties. Its unique energy helps to soothe the mind and promote inner peace, making it an ideal choice for meditation and stress relief. Prehnite is also said to enhance spiritual connection and intuition,

Category:  Health Go Health

12 Best Crystals for Peace, Calm, and Tranquility

WEBFluorite: A spectrum of colors within fluorite brings mental clarity and emotional stability, paving the way for inner peace to flourish. Lepidolite: Infused with the power of lithium, lepidolite acts as a calming agent, easing anxiety and stress, fostering a serene mental state. Amazonite: Reflecting the tranquility of Amazonian waters

Category:  Health Go Health

The Healing Qualities of Angelite Crystal and How to Use It

WEBHere's a list of things Angelite can help you cope with and heal: - Increased intuition and psychic abilities. - Relieves tension, stress, and anger. - Calming the mind when stress and anxiety take over. - Alleviating depression, sadness, and feelings of isolation. - Balancing the chakras and helping with spiritual growth.

Category:  Health Go Health

8 of the Most Powerful Crystals – CRYSTALS.COM

WEBBlack Tourmaline. One of the most powerful absorbers of dense energy, black tourmaline is an incredible crystal for grounding and protection. It’s a wonderful stone to help alleviate stress, anxiety, anger, or any negativity from your energy field and is a must-have for empaths to protect from overwhelming emotions coming in from the outside

Category:  Health Go Health

Amethyst Crystal Meaning and Uses – CRYSTALS.COM

WEBAmethyst soothes the mental body from over-analyzing and can be especially supportive to air signs including, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra if their emotions feel too abstracted. This gemstone clears the energy field, bringing a sense of cleansing to the aura and mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Category:  Health Go Health

Crystal toolkit: The 10 must-have crystals everyone should own!

WEBSelenite: Selenite is a crystal that many people own because of its cleansing, clearing, and moon magic energy. It can help with anxiety, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Selenite emits negative ions, which have been proven to have health benefits such as increased respiratory function and lower blood pressure.

Category:  Health Go Health

Pyrite Crystal: Meaning, Benefits, & Uses – CRYSTALS.COM

WEBPyrite Crystal: Meaning, Benefits, & Uses Pyrite Crystal: Meaning, Benefits, & Uses Pyrite is a stunning crystal that belongs in everyone’s collection. Uniquely bright, bold, and shiny, this healing crystal is also referred to as fools gold. But there’s no fooling anyone who has felt the energetic pull of a Pyr

Category:  Health Go Health

Shungite: Healing Properties and Uses – CRYSTALS.COM

WEBShungite is a powerful crystal ally that offers incredible healing properties and benefits. It's versatile and boasts a gentle, yet incredibly strong energy that can help balance the root chakra, provide a solid foundation, and shield you from negative energy. This potent crystal is renowned for its ability to protect against harmful forms of

Category:  Health Go Health

Larimar Meaning: Healing Properties, Uses, & Benefits

WEBEmotionally, Larimar helps to soothe frazzled nerves, ease stress, and encourage open communication. It harmonizes the emotional body, aiding in understanding one's emotions and expressing them clearly. Zodiac Properties of Larimar. Harmony for Water Signs. Astrologically, Larimar resonates deeply with water signs like Cancer and Pisces.

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Benefits of Lepidolite: The Best Crystal for Anxiety

WEBLepidolite will activate the Vagus nerve creating a calming effect that relieves physical symptoms of stress and anxiety. This same feeling can deepen your meditative experiences, heal your divine feminine, and prevent burnout. Though anyone can (and should) work with and experience the benefits of Lepidolite, this crystal is perfect for …

Category:  Health Go Health