Valerie Nicole Barela, MA, LPC, LCDC

WEBValerie Nicole Barela, MA, LPC, LCDC. Through my work in the mental health field for over 10 years, I have developed a strong belief in three things. First, the power we hold within ourselves. Second, the healing that occurs when we interact with ourselves and others with respect and authenticity. Third, that change is possible for anyone

Actived: 9 days ago


Mental Health Specialties

WEBEffective January 1, 2022. For any clients who call after January 1, 2022, Licensed Healthcare Providers are required to provide uninsured and self-pay patients with Good Faith Estimates of expected charges for all scheduled services and items prior to care and upon request when shopping for care.

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health Counselor, LPC-Associate

WEBOverview of the Company: – Counseling of El Paso is a multi-specialty counseling practice dedicated to enhancing the well-being of children, adolescents, and adults in terms of their mental, emotional, and relational health. – Our mission is to deliver the highest quality services at a fair cost, providing personalized experiences tailored

Category:  Health Go Health

Mood and Behavior Changes in Children & Adolescents

WEBEffective January 1, 2022. For any clients who call after January 1, 2022, Licensed Healthcare Providers are required to provide uninsured and self-pay patients with Good Faith Estimates of expected charges for all scheduled services and items prior to care and upon request when shopping for care.

Category:  Health Go Health

Feliza Galindo-Insurriaga, MSW, LCSW

WEBEffective January 1, 2022. For any clients who call after January 1, 2022, Licensed Healthcare Providers are required to provide uninsured and self-pay patients with Good Faith Estimates of expected charges for all scheduled services and items prior to care and upon request when shopping for care.

Category:  Health Go Health

Child & Family Counseling

WEBEffective January 1, 2022. For any clients who call after January 1, 2022, Licensed Healthcare Providers are required to provide uninsured and self-pay patients with Good Faith Estimates of expected charges for all scheduled services and items prior to care and upon request when shopping for care.

Category:  Health Go Health

5 Things to Consider when Navigating Uncertainty in Relationships

WEBEffective January 1, 2022. For any clients who call after January 1, 2022, Licensed Healthcare Providers are required to provide uninsured and self-pay patients with Good Faith Estimates of expected charges for all scheduled services and items prior to care and upon request when shopping for care.

Category:  Health Go Health

Community Presentations

WEBEffective January 1, 2022. For any clients who call after January 1, 2022, Licensed Healthcare Providers are required to provide uninsured and self-pay patients with Good Faith Estimates of expected charges for all scheduled services and items prior to care and upon request when shopping for care.

Category:  Health Go Health

Guillermo Castañeda, Sr., Professional Hypnotist

WEBEffective January 1, 2022. For any clients who call after January 1, 2022, Licensed Healthcare Providers are required to provide uninsured and self-pay patients with Good Faith Estimates of expected charges for all scheduled services and items prior to care and upon request when shopping for care.

Category:  Health Go Health

Trouble Adjusting to Changes

WEBThere are so many counseling approaches and modalities that can support adjusting to difficult changes in life such as: client centered techniques. cognitive behavioral therapy. motivational interviewing. eye movement desensitization reprocessing. cognitive reprocessing therapy. trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy.

Category:  Health Go Health

Treat Yourself Like a Plant: Four Steps to Well-Being

WEBDrink plenty of water. According to the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. Skin is 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: at 31%. It only makes sense to drink water if much of our bodies, and most especially the brain, are …

Category:  Health Go Health

Adolescent Counseling

WEBThe National Institute of Mental Health outlines the following as warning signs in adolescents regarding mental health: Have lost interest in things that they used to enjoy. Have low energy. Sleep too much or too little, or seem sleepy throughout the day. Are spending more and more time alone, and avoid social activities with friends or family.

Category:  Health Go Health