Wisdom and Wellbeing Peer Support Introductory Training for …

WebWorking in healthcare and behavioral health fields is harder than ever. Wisdom, Wellbeing, and Peer Support Training (WWPST) provides a comprehensive approach to fostering resilience skills for healthcare, behavioral health, and related human services staff. WWPST is training initiative to help build the capacity for resilience and team member support at …

Actived: 9 days ago


Foundations of Harm Reduction & Drug User Stigma: Opioid …

WebJoin the Community Mental Health and Wellness Coalition and the National Harm Reduction Coalition for a comprehensive overview of Harm Reduction. This approach incorporates a practical set of strategies designed to prevent disease and promote health by “meeting people where they are” rather than making judgments about where they should be in …

Category:  Health Go Health

Helping in Times of Turmoil and Trauma w/ Dr. Ken Hardy

WebWe are living in difficult and challenging times. The “new normal,” i.e., turmoil, intolerance, and trauma, have become an inescapable way of life. Consequently, never before has our work as clinicians and human service professionals been so vital to the well being of so many and our society as whole. We, and those we serve,

Category:  Health Go Health

Introduction to Stress First Aid for Community Leaders

WebIf you or someone you cared about had a broken leg, would you try to fix it yourself? Are you a leader of a group or community that lives, works, learns, plays, or prays together and wants to know more about how to support your team? …

Category:  Health Go Health