The Dangers of Wearing a Moldy Retainer: Unveiling the Risks and …

WEBMoldy retainers pose serious health risks, including bacterial infections and bad breath. By regularly cleaning your retainer with a purple retainer cleaner, you can effectively …

Actived: 1 days ago


Permanent Retainers: Removal, Risks, and Reshaping Your Smile

WEBPermanent retainers are generally designed not to damage teeth, but issues can arise in certain cases. Points to consider: A well-fitted permanent retainer should not harm teeth …

Category:  Health Go Health

Pain and Gain: The Dilemma of Wearing a Painful Old Retainer

WEBContinuing to wear a painful retainer without addressing the discomfort can lead to oral health issues, as well as an increased risk of not adhering to your retainer regimen. 10. …

Category:  Health Go Health

Retainer Rescue: How to Handle a Broken Permanent Retainer

WEBOral Health Maintenance: Regularly visit your dentist for check-ups and professional cleanings to ensure your oral health and the condition of your retainer. Use a …

Category:  Health Go Health

Retainer Guide: Insurance Coverage and Longevity Explained

WEBDental retainers play a crucial role in preserving the results of orthodontic treatment and maintaining a beautiful, straight smile. While insurance coverage may vary, the long …

Category:  Health Go Health

Retainer Pain: A Guide to Tightness, Usage, and Care

WEBTo alleviate retainer pain, ensure proper usage and care, including regular cleaning with a purple persulfate-free retainer cleaner. This cleaner helps maintain hygiene without the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Permanent Retainers: Do They Inflict Discomfort or Offer Comfort

WEBDaily Comfort. Minimal Intrusion: One of the benefits of permanent retainers is that, once adjusted, they tend to be quite comfortable and don't interfere with your daily life. …

Category:  Health Go Health

Secrets of Retainer Soaking: What's Safe and Effective

WEB3. Baking Soda Solution. Baking soda is known for its cleaning properties and is safe for soaking retainers. Create a solution by dissolving a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Retainer Insurance Coverage: Will You Be Protected if It's Lost

WEBFlex Spending Accounts (FSAs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): These accounts can be used to cover orthodontic expenses, including retainer replacement, as long as you …

Category:  Health Go Health

Different Types Of Teeth Problems And How To Deal With Them

WEBHere is a guide on how to deal with each one: 1. Cavities: If you have a cavity, you will need to see your dentist to get it filled. They will clean out the decay and then fill the hole with …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Dental Health Matters and What to Do About It

WEBA healthy diet and good dental health go hand in hand. Eating a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is essential for maintaining good dental health. Foods that …

Category:  Food Go Health

Permanent Retainer Problems: 15 Foods to Keep Off Your Plate

WEB2. Hard and Crunchy Foods. Nuts and Ice: These foods can place excessive pressure on your retainer and even lead to damage or breakage. 3. Tough Meats. Jerky and …

Category:  Food Go Health

The Cost of Replacing a Retainer: What You Need to Know

WEBThe cost of replacing a retainer can vary based on several factors, including the type of retainer and where you receive your orthodontic care. On average, you can expect to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Perfecting Your Profile: Invisalign's Impact on Jaw Alignment

WEBThe Importance of Jaw Alignment. A Complex Connection: The alignment of the jaw is a crucial aspect of oral health and facial aesthetics. The upper and lower jaws must fit …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Make Your Retainer Crystal Clear Again

WEBA deep overnight clean can be achieved with a water and vinegar solution. Points to consider: Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a container. Place your retainer in …

Category:  Health Go Health

8 Benefits of Coconut Oil Gargling

WEBCoconut oil has long been cherished for its various health benefits, and one of its lesser-known uses is coconut oil gargling. This simple oral health practice involves swishing …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Space Between: Do Teeth Gaps Naturally Widen Over Time

WEBConclusion. In summary, the relationship between age and teeth gaps is multifaceted. Genetics, dental habits, bite changes, tooth migration, and oral health all play a role in …

Category:  Health Go Health

Hawley vs. Clear Plastic Retainers: The Ultimate Showdown

WEBIntroduction When comparing Hawley and clear plastic retainers, it's crucial to prioritize hygiene. Opting for a purple persulfate-free retainer cleaner ensures cleanliness for both …

Category:  Health Go Health

Battle of the Retainers: Metal vs. Plastic – Which Wins the Smile Race

WEB5. Cost. Metal Retainers: Generally, metal retainers are more cost-effective than plastic retainers. Plastic Retainers: These tend to be pricier due to their customization and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Unveiling the Secrets of Using Jewelry Cleaners for Retainers

WEBRetainers are often made from various materials, including plastics and metals. Jewelry cleaners may contain harsh chemicals that can damage certain materials. Structural …

Category:  Health Go Health

Faster Than You Think: The Shortest Time Spent in Braces

WEBThe least amount of time you'll spend in braces largely depends on the type of orthodontic treatment you need. Traditional metal braces tend to require a longer treatment duration, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Unraveling the Truth Behind Ultrasonic Retainer Cleaners

WEBUltrasonic cleaners employ high-frequency sound waves to create microscopic bubbles, effectively removing debris from retainers. Points to consider: Ultrasonic waves create …

Category:  Health Go Health