Gwayakobimaadiziwin Bad River Harm Reduction

WEBOur practice is rooted in the seven teachings of the Ojibwe: respect, humility, courage, honesty, wisdom, truth, and love. Since 2015, Gwayakobimaadiziwin Bad River Needle Exchange has offered harm reduction services and supplies for people who use drugs in our community. We endeavor to confront the discrimination endured by people who use

Actived: 8 days ago


Resources — Gwayakobimaadiziwin Bad River Harm Reduction

WEBResources, support and information: how to connect with us and what we offer. Pictured here are some of the supplies that we offer, including hygiene wipes and alcohol pads, sterile injection equipment like water, cookers and syringes, personal syringe disposal containers, fentanyl test strips, naloxone and safer smoking supplies.

Category:  Health Go Health