The Language Of Self-Care: Understanding Wellness Terms In The …

WEBBy Steph Koyfman. January 25, 2024. With January upon us, it’s the time of year you might think about how you want to reorient your approach to the world. “New Year, New Me” is a mantra that is a testament to our enduring belief in our own abilities to change. And one way you may be thinking of making self-care a core part of your new year.

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How To Talk About Mental Health In 6 Different Languages

WEB“Self-care,” as a concept, has been around for quite some time in the grand scheme of mental health around the world. As the New Yorker points out, the entire notion that one must fill one’s own cup first goes as far back as Socrates. Most recently, it came back in the 1970s and 80s within queer and POC communities.

Category:  Health Go Health

How Toucan Works – Babbel Help Center

WEBIt takes a lot to memorize new vocabulary and experience them in a context that's meaningful. Toucan can help you practice more easily by immersing you in the language while you're browsing the web. What's even better is that you'll see those words in the context of sentences - helping your brain connect the word to its useful meaning.

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Babbel Help Center

WEBHelp by Topic. Get answers about the Babbel app, website, your account, our courses, and more.

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Why Is Language Important

WEBLanguage made the transmission of culture possible. As it stands today, it’s the basis of our entire worldview and way of life. Everything ranging from social norms to customs, shared histories, mythologies, religions and art forms are transmitted and mediated through language. This sounds kind of obvious, but the significance of this is

Category:  Health Go Health

4 Healthy Diets Inspired By Other Cultures

WEBStudies have found a link between the Nordic Diet and reduced risk for cardiovascular disease and Type-2 Diabetes, as well as the potential to help with weight loss. 3. French Diet. Americans tend to be particularly entranced by France and its culture, but more specifically, by French women’s fashion and body types.

Category:  Health Go Health

How Learning A Language Benefits Your Brain

WEBAccording to the researchers, the study shows that being bilingual comes with two cognitive advantages. The first is the ability to filter out unnecessary information, which is key to increasing focus. The second is that being bilingual is like constantly doing a puzzle because the brain is always switching between two languages.

Category:  Health Go Health

About Us Babbel

WEBWhether it’s through the Babbel app, Babbel Live online classes, Babbel podcasts, or Babbel for Business, we take on the role of a personal language coach, guiding learners toward real-life conversations in their target language. Most-sold language learning platform with over 16 million subscriptions sold. 60,000 lessons across 14 languages.

Category:  Health Go Health

Jargon Watch: The Secret World Of Medical Slang

WEBTo cheech — to order every possible test in order to diagnose an illness. Weekend syndrome — when doctors filling in for colleagues on the weekend refuse to make any major medical decisions. Whiney primey — a first-time mother-to-be who repeatedly comes to the hospital, thinking she’s in labor when she’s not.

Category:  Medical Go Health

What Is Culture Shock, And How Can You Avoid It

WEB3. Make friends in your new home. Of course, making new friends is always easier said than done, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a vital part of integration. Having a social network is one of the most important aspects to avoiding culture shock because these groups can provide emotional support when things get tough.

Category:  Course Go Health

What Speaking Spanish Taught Me About Self-Care

WEBMy mental health took a drastic downward turn in my late twenties. I was back in the U.K. and speaking less Spanish as a result. These two things were mostly unrelated, aside from the fact that the latter was — unbeknownst to me at the time — an act of self-care, of which the former indicated I was in dire need.

Category:  Health Go Health

Bilingual Jobs: How Mental Health Interpreters Make Tough Talks …

WEBDiscussing mental health can be a challenge, but it’s even more difficult when your therapist doesn’t speak your language. That’s where mental health interpreters come in.

Category:  Health Go Health

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Irish Accent

WEBBy Lili Steffen. March 8, 2022. Often described as a lilting brogue, the Irish accent is a fascinating variety of English full of outlandish slang and flowing, musical intonations. So what exactly is the Irish accent? Well, despite its modest size, Ireland* offers up a cornucopia of local dialects — it’d be improper to talk about a single

Category:  Health Go Health

The Best German Dictionaries To Use When You’re Learning The …

WEBA dictionary is one of the most useful tools you have when learning a language. There are countless tools available to you when you start to learn German. You can find TV shows, podcasts, YouTube videos and, of course, apps, all of which will give you various resources on mastering the language. One of the more overlooked, …

Category:  Course Go Health

Is Learning A Language While Sleeping Possible

WEBAs Jennifer Ackerman notes in her splendid 2007 book Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream, learning a language while sleeping “is probably impossible, [and] attempts to teach slumbering adult subjects vocabulary of foreign languages or lists of items have failed miserably.”. More recent studies have pointed to at least some advantages of revisiting

Category:  Health Go Health

Naming The Parts Of The Body In French

WEBParts Of The Body In French. the body — le corps. the part of the body — la partie du corps. the head — la tête. the face — le visage. the eyes — les yeux. the mouth — la bouche. the tooth — la dent. the nose — le nez.

Category:  Health Go Health

How To Respond To A Sneeze In 6 Different Languages

WEBHere’s how to say bless you in different languages. 1. German. Interestingly, Gesundheit, the German response to a sneeze, is also the most common expression for English speakers who prefer not to say “bless you.”. It simply means “health,” which is used in a number of languages when someone sneezes (makes sense). 2.

Category:  Health Go Health

Which Languages Are Spoken in the Netherlands

WEBThe simple answer to which language is spoken in the Netherlands is Dutch. This language was formerly known as Netherlandic and is fittingly called Nederlands in Dutch. It belongs to the West Germanic branch of the Proto-Germanic language family tree, so following this family analogy, German is its linguistic sibling and English its cousin.

Category:  Health Go Health