Health and Dental Insurance for Retirees (OPSRP)

WEBHealth and Dental Insurance for Retirees. Up to 90 days following your effective date of retirement The first day of the month following the last day a member (1) worked, was on …

Actived: 4 days ago


Spouse or Dependent Insurance (Tier One/Tier Two)

WEBWhile you are living, your eligibility does not qualify your spouse and/or dependent (s) for the RHIA or RHIPA contribution. You can obtain eligibility requirements and subsidy …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health and Dental Insurance for Retirees (Tier One/Tier Two)

WEBFor information on PERS-sponsored health and dental insurance, call 503-224-7377 (in the Portland area) or 800-768-7377 (outside of Portland) or write to: PERS Health …

Category:  Health Go Health

Long-Term Care Insurance (Tier One/Tier Two)

WEBInformation about the plans and their costs is available from UNUM by calling toll free 800-227-4165. The state of Oregon is also offering long-term care insurance to state …

Category:  Health Go Health

Medicare Companion Insurance Plan (Tier One/Tier Two)

WEBWhen you become eligible for Medicare, you can enroll in a PERS-sponsored Medicare companion insurance plan. Approximately 120 days before your 65th birthday, PERS …

Category:  Health Go Health

Unused Sick Leave (Tier One/Tier Two)

WEBIf the lowest sick leave accrual rate is 12 hours per month for an employee group that is covered under the sick leave policy, then the maximum rate allowed is eight hours per …

Category:  Health Go Health

Spouse or Dependent Insurance (OPSRP)

WEBSpouse or Dependent Insurance. Your spouse or dependent may be eligible for PERS health insurance coverage when you die. You can obtain eligibility requirements and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Applying for Disability (Tier One/Tier Two)

WEBContact PERS Member Services at 888-320-7377 (toll free) for a Tier One/Tier Two Disability application packet. You will also need to complete a medical/non-medical …

Category:  Medical Go Health

Spouse or Dependent Insurance (OPSRP)

WEBSpouse or Dependent Insurance. Your spouse or dependent may be eligible for PERS health insurance coverage when you die. You can obtain eligibility requirements by …

Category:  Health Go Health

PERS Benefit Comparisons

WEBBenefit Comparisons. The primary components and differences among the PERS Tier One and Tier Two programs, the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) pension …

Category:  Health Go Health

Working after Retirement (OPSRP)

WEBThe Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR 459-075-0300) amendment - adopted at the July 31, 2015 board meeting - clarifies PERS administration for OPSRP retirees who return to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health and Dental Insurance for Retirees (Tier One/Tier Two)

WEBHealth and Dental Insurance for Retirees. Within 90 days following your effective effective retirement date Your effective retirement date can be no sooner than either the first day …

Category:  Health Go Health

Survivorship Benefit Options (OPSRP)

WEBHalf-Survivorship Option. This benefit is paid monthly for your lifetime. After you die, your surviving beneficiary will receive, for life, one-half the monthly benefit you were receiving …

Category:  Health Go Health

Exceptions to the 1,040-Hour Limit (Tier One/Tier Two)

WEBUnless noted otherwise, you do not qualify for an exception to the 1,040-hour limit if you are: 1. 2. a Tier One or Tier Two police and firefighter member who retires before age 55 …

Category:  Health Go Health

Police Officer and Firefighter Unit Benefits (Tier One/Tier Two)

WEBPayment of unit benefits. Each unit purchased provides a $20 monthly benefit paid by PERS for 60 months—$10 from your contributions and $10 from employer contributions. …

Category:  Health Go Health

Full Cost Purchases (Tier One/Tier Two)

WEBFull Cost Purchases. If you are a Tier One or Tier Two member, you may be eligible to purchase retirement credit. You must make the purchase by paying the full cost of the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Taxes on Benefits (Tier One/Tier Two)

WEBTaxes on Benefits (Tier One/Tier Two) Taxes on Benefits. PERS Pension, OPSRP Pension, and IAP benefits are subject to both federal and Oregon state income tax withholding. If …

Category:  Health Go Health

Retirement Planning Presentations

WEBRetirement Application Assistance Sessions. If you are retiring within 90 days, you can schedule a one-hour meeting with a PERS retirement specialist to review your …

Category:  Health Go Health

Spousal Consent (OPSRP)

WEBSpousal Consent. If you are married on your effective retirement date or there is anyone who is constitutionally required to be treated in the same manner as your spouse for …

Category:  Health Go Health