Amish Healthcare (Facts and Insights) – Amish Baskets

A product claimed to improve hearing has been credited with why Amish have perfect hearing. But such claims are false, as the Amish haven’t developed a miracle cure for hearing loss. Unfortunately, their name is often tied to products by unscrupulous businesses out to make a quick buck. But are there … See more

Actived: 6 days ago


Amish Health Secrets (Hints, Tips & Remedies) – Amish …

WEBThis is one of the Amish health secrets that we can all adopt to improve the quality and longevity of our lives. Good Genes. Here we have one of the more exclusive Amish health secrets that unfortunately we can’t all …

Category:  Health Go Health

Amish Immunity How the Amish Live Without Vaccines

WEBAmish Immunity. The Amish are an insular religious community that originated in Europe and migrated to North America in the 17th century. They live in closed communities and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Do the Amish Go to Doctors

WEBAmish healthcare is an interesting topic with explanations that varies from community to community and even in different families. The Amish believe that God is the ultimate …

Category:  Health Go Health

Amish Acid Reflux Remedy (Health Guide) – Amish …

WEBThe Amish suffer from just about every common sickness that outsiders do. They use home remedies for the common cold and Amish natural remedies for hearing loss . A popular all-natural acid reflux remedy from traditional …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Do the Amish Pull Their Teeth

WEBFirst, let's tackle the stereotype that the Amish are neglectful of their dental health or that tooth extraction is a form of punishment. In reality, the Amish take their health seriously and strive to maintain a balanced lifestyle. …

Category:  Health Go Health

Amish Hearing Loss Ingredients (Health Guide) – Amish …

WEBThe Amish hearing loss ingredients combine foods rich in magnesium, B12, Iron, and zinc. It also includes herbs such as Ginkgo biloba, Panax ginseng and astragalus propinquus. According to the National Center for …

Category:  Food Go Health

Healthy Easter Basket Ideas (Yummy Non-Candy Treats)

WEBHomemade Baked Goods. This is one of our favorite non-candy Easter basket ideas. Bake healthier Easter treats at home, such as whole-grain muffins, oatmeal cookies …

Category:  Health Go Health

Amish Baby Formula (Health Guide) – Amish Baskets

WEBAmish health secrets revolve around getting pure, full nutrients from the foods consumed. Commercial formulas are typically pasteurized at very high temperatures of over 200 degrees Fahrenheit. This process …

Category:  Food Go Health

Amish Hygiene (Cultural Guide) – Amish Baskets

WEBOne of the key ingredients in this tonic is white vinegar which acts as a disinfectant and breaks down dirt and grime. Another key ingredient is rubbing alcohol, which acts as a …

Category:  Health Go Health

Amish Foods (Cultural Cuisine Guide) – Amish Baskets

WEBAmish Food Is Good for Health. The Amish don’t fill up on fast food, loaded with preservatives and other dubious additives. No, that’s not some sort of Amish …

Category:  Food Go Health

What's in Amish Cleaning Tonic (Safety & Uses) – Amish Baskets

WEBVinegar: This is a primary ingredient in every Amish cleaning tonic and does a great job of sanitizing surfaces, cutting through dirt and grease, and deodorizing. It's tough on stains …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Do the Amish Have Perfect Hearing

WEBAir pollutants, and even second-hand cigarette smoke or exhaust fumes, can all contribute to hearing problems. The toxic chemicals released in smoke and fumes damage the hair …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Do the Amish Bathe

WEBYes, the Amish bathe, but they often do it without electricity, and sometimes without indoor plumbing. They usually heat the water on a stove in order to have a warm bath. This …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why is Amish Food So Good

WEBThe Amish have hearty breakfasts but may prefer light or heavy lunches depending on family work and school schedules. Traditional Amish food is as simple as the handmade …

Category:  Food Go Health

Are the Amish Rich

WEBThe Amish don’t believe in health insurance or Medicare/Medicaid. They believe God will heal them if they get sick, so they don't spend money on medical bills or prescriptions. …

Category:  Medical Go Health

Amish Traditions (Guide to Amish Culture) – Amish Baskets

WEBThe Amish believe, like many other Christian denominations, that God exists as a triune deity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They believe that Jesus Christ, the Son, came to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Amish Folk Culture (A Comprehensive Guide) – Amish Baskets

WEBMany Amish enjoy craftsmanship, such as making traditional faceless Amish dolls, fruit harvest baskets, and bread storage boxes. The Amish are a denomination of the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Amish Ordnung (Rules to Live By) – Amish Baskets

WEBThe maintenance of the Amish culture, and building a better Christain life based on the principles of God’s word. This set of rules covers all aspects of Amish life, yet isn’t rigid …

Category:  Health Go Health

Amish Teenage Break: The Untold Story of Rumspringa!

WEBTechnology and Modern Conveniences. During Rumspringa, Amish teenagers have the chance to experience various aspects of the non-Amish world that were previously off …

Category:  Health Go Health

Amish Symbols (Do the Amish Have a Symbol and What Is It

WEBThis symbol is often yellow with a black horse and carriage to display that there will be Amish buggies driving in the area. This is the most commonly used sign to indicate an …

Category:  Health Go Health

Do the Amish Use Electricity (A Cultural Guide)

WEBMany Amish selectively use electricity, although they don't rely on the public grid. They use batteries and generators. The main reason Amish don't use electricity from the grid is …

Category:  Health Go Health