
The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

WEBSocial media has made its way into nearly every aspect of the livelihoods of adolescents. From influencing behaviors to serving as a platform to socialize, it has its share of positive and negative effects, and when it comes to the mental health of younger users, the negative aspects of social media manifest itself. The American Academy of Pediatrics …

Actived: 9 days ago

URL: https://aar.pausd.org/projects-2019/impact-social-media-mental-health

Impact Of Music On The 8 Wellness Factors In High School Students

WEB7.7million children between the ages of 10-17 are diagnosed with a mental health illness. With these numbers only increasing, the limited number of prevention methods such as raising awareness and early risk screening are not sufficient in slowing down the growing cases. To stop the spread, it's important to focus on the 8 factors that contribute to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Emphasizing the Significance of Bridging Communities and Public …

WEBThe AAR program is a unique opportunity for Palo Alto Unified School District students, in grades 10-12, to engage in original research in an area of their choosing.

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Students in a High Achieving Suburban High School Do Not …

WEBWhile the discussion of mental health is becoming increasingly normalized, it can still be a sensitive topic. Gunn High School offers many resources and programs that promote mental health awareness. However, according to the Wellness Center at school, many students still refrain from discussing their mental health issues, such as anxiety, stress, or …

Category:  Health Go Health

How‌ ‌Does‌ ‌the‌ ‌Cost‌ ‌of‌ ‌Healthcare‌ ‌in‌ ‌America‌ ‌Affect

WEBThe health disparities that have formed in our society, have adversely affected groups of people who have systematically experienced greater obstacles to health based on their racial or ethnic group.The large disparities that are present in health insurance coverage related to race and ethnicity have been a part of the United States for a long time, also …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Does Consumer Culture in the US Affect the Mental Health of …

WEBIn the United States, consumer culture is prevalent and many indulge in it as a “new and improved” way of life. Consumer culture focuses on the spending of money by customers, specifically on material goods to obtain a certain lifestyle within a capitalist or mixed economy. Many believe that they are bettering themselves by shifting their attention …

Category:  Health Go Health

Effects of Family-Based Therapy on Siblings of Individuals with …

WEBNearly 11 million females and 1 million males have a form of an Eating Disorder in the United States, and those are only the diagnosed cases. Eating disorders are detrimental to a person’s mental and physical health leading to commonly witnessed effects such as severely lowered self-esteem, dehydration, malnutrition, and increased levels of …

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

High Schools in the Bay Area Supporting Mental Health

WEB1Palo Alto High School, 2Independent. School Palo Alto High School Castilleja Sacred Heart Preparatory. What they offer for students dealing with Mental Health Issues Trained counselors, psychiatrists, and therapists are available at all times in the school day. Also offers a wellness center. Counseling office that is staffed by a middle school

Category:  Health Go Health

What variables affect low-income peoples' access to healthcare in

WEBAlthough everyone has the right to access healthcare and steps have been made to make it easier to obtain for all citizens, millions of people still lack insurance. Health insurance is an extremely important thing to have, and could make it possible for people to get care when they need it without putting the financial burden onto themself or their families if the only …

Category:  Health Go Health

Disparities in Female-Oriented Healthcare and Medical Research

WEBThere is a direct correlation between mental health and birth control usage, yet research in this field is vastly underfunded and minimized because it pertains to female health. The field of health is - and has been for centuries - dominated by men; research for ailments, diseases and medicine disproportionately gives precedence to men, proffering a lack of …

Category:  Medicine Go Health

Examining the Prevalence and Impact of Body Dysmorphia in …

WEBHow many people are affected by body dysmorphia in high school, and what are these effects? Recently, the problem with body image and body dysmorphia among teenage males has been rapidly increasing and is significantly overlooked. Despite the belief that issues with body image only occur in females, body dysmorphia can affect males just as …

Category:  Health Go Health

Asian American Bias on Mental Health and the Consequences

WEBAsian American Bias on Mental Health and the Consequences by: YASMIN FRIEDRICHOWITZ Introduction Research Methodologies In Asian American families, there is a lot

Category:  Health Go Health

Determining Correlation Between Pediatric Cancer and Mental …

WEBREFERENCES American Child Cancer Organization (2019). US childhood cancer statistics. Retrieved from https://www.acco.org/us-childhood-cancer-statistics/

Category:  Cancer Go Health

ADHD Treatments Options: Information, Accessibility, And …

WEBThis project will survey physicians to find the prevalence of sustainable treatments like nutrition are in reducing prevalence of ADHD symptoms and how to increase awareness of treatment options to patients diagnosed with ADHD.

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

What Effect do Nutrition Classes Have on Eating Habits of Food …

WEBThis study looks at surveys conducted by the Veggie Rx Program run by Fresh Approach and determines the extent of a relationship between participation in the program and eating habits of participants. Specifically program participants who reside in a designated food desert will be analyzed. Food deserts in low income communities are a large issue in the …

Category:  Food Go Health

The Impact of Community Gardening on Nutrition and Eating Habits

WEBThis project will examine the impact of community gardening on eating practices in low-income communities. Currently, research suggests that a large disparity in healthy food practices exists between the levels of healthy eating practices in high and low-income communities, with dangerous health ramifications. Community gardens, pieces of land …

Category:  Food Go Health

How Low Income California Residents Are Affected by Their …

WEBWhile MediCal was created to benefit low-income residents in California, it has also succeeded in creating new inconveniences and injustices for its recipients. Many doctors do not accept MediCal insurance due to its low reimbursement rates for the doctors, causing access issues for recipients. While there are many great nonprofit health clinics, people …

Category:  Medical Go Health

How are Black Women Being Discriminated Against when …

WEBReproductive healthcare is critical to public and individual safety. Limited access to healthcare disproportionately affects Women of Color. This disparity creates health gaps, putting Women of Color at a higher risk of maternal mortality and contracting STIs. This is extremely relevant because Black women are four times more likely to die during …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Expansion of Mobile Healthcare in Emerging Markets using …

WEBAccess to adequate healthcare is a basic human necessity in the 21st century. Unfortunately, many impoverished places in the world, including areas in rural India, still lack the benefits of basic health services. As part of our research we are developing methods to increase the expansion of mobile health systems using HeMoClo by …

Category:  Health Go Health