10 Mbs Mental Health Referral

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Item 2715 Medicare Benefits Schedule - Department of Health

(7 days ago) People also askHow many mental health sessions can a patient access?If previously eligible patients (those subject to state or territory public health orders) received a referral for their additional 10 sessions between 7 August 2020 and 9 October 2020, they can continue to access any remaining sessions under that referral up to a maximum of 10 additional mental health sessions. Why are the changes being made?Additional 10 MBS mental health sessions during COVID-19 under the mbsonline.gov.auDo I need a referral to access mental health therapy sessions?In order to access these sessions, patients will be required to have: a referral from their reviewing practitioner (a referral is not required when the GP developing a Mental Health Treatment Plan also delivers the psychological therapy sessions). The change will also extend the timeframe for which additional sessions are available.RACGP - New items for additional mental health support for people racgp.org.auHow many temporary mental health treatment MBS items were introduced?On 7 August 2020, 36 new temporary mental health treatment MBS items were introduced. These items originally provided 10 additional Medicare-subsidised psychological therapy sessions for people affected by COVID-19.RACGP - New items for additional mental health support for people racgp.org.auWhat are additional mental health sessions?The additional sessions will allow eligible patients to continue to receive mental health care from their GP, psychologist or other eligible allied health worker. In order to access these sessions, patients will be required to have:RACGP - New items for additional mental health support for people racgp.org.auFeedbackDepartment of Healthhttp://www.mbsonline.gov.au/internet/mbsonline/publishingFactsheet for Additional 10 MBS Mental Health SessionsWebPatients do not need a new referral to access Better Access sessions from 1 January …


Category:  Mental health Show Health

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