Lungs: Definition, Location, Anatomy, Function, Diagram, Diseases

The spongy air-filled conical organs occupying most of the thoracic (chest) cavity in humans are known as the lungs . It is one of the primary respiratory organs where the … See more

Actived: 3 days ago


Functions of the Respiratory System

WEBFunction of the Pharynx. The small tubular structure located right behind the nasal cavity, the pharynx works by letting the inhaled air pass into the next part of the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Bronchi Definition, Location, Anatomy, Functions, Pictures

WEBThe secondary bronchi then further subdivide into ten tertiary or segmental bronchi. [7]. These tertiary bronchi then give rise to the subsegmental bronchi, which …

Category:  Health Go Health

Trachea (Windpipe) Definition, Anatomy, Function, Diagram

WEBWhat is the Trachea (Windpipe) Trachea is the medical name for the windpipe, the largest airway in the respiratory system, about 4-5 inches in length and 1 …

Category:  Medical Go Health

Lower Respiratory Tract: Anatomy, Functions, Diagram

WEBLower Respiratory Tract Structural and Functional Anatomy. The organs making up the lower respiratory tract are all protected and kept in place by the rib cage, and the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Upper Respiratory Tract: Anatomy, Functions, Diagram

WEBUpper Respiratory Tract Structural and Functional Anatomy Nose and Nasal Cavity. The nostrils, the two round or oval holes below the external nose, are the primary entrance …

Category:  Health Go Health

Epiglottis Definition, Location, Functions, and Pictures

WEBLigamentary Attachments. When the epiglottis is in the resting position, it is held by the thyroepiglottic and the hyoepiglottic ligaments. The inferior part of the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Bronchioles Definition, Location, Anatomy, Function, Diagram

WEBWhat are the Functions of the Bronchioles. As the oxygen-rich inhaled air reaches the lungs through the bronchi, it travels via bronchioles to reach the alveoli, …

Category:  Health Go Health

List of Respiratory Diseases

WEBPulmonary diseases are a common complication in pregnancy as well, with studies showing it to be a significant factor responsible for maternal death after …

Category:  Health Go Health

Nostrils: Definition, Functions, Anatomy, Pictures

WEBWhat are Nostrils (External Nares) Nostril is the common name for the two anterior nares [1] (singular: naris) – the external openings in human nose that leads to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Intercostal Muscles: Definition, Location, Anatomy, Functions

WEB2. Internal Intercostal Muscles. There are 11 internal intercostal muscles located on each side of the rib cage [7], forming the second or middle layer of the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Diaphragm: Definition, Location, Anatomy, Function, Diagram

WEBIs the Diaphragm an Organ. It is a skeletal muscle [3], and like many other important muscles, the diaphragm is an organ, one of the most important respiratory …

Category:  Health Go Health

Alveoli Definition, Location, Anatomy, Function, Diagrams

WEBAlveolar Epithelium. The one-cell thick walls of the alveoli are composed of two distal airway epithelium cell types (pneumocytes) [7]. Type-1 squamous alveolar …

Category:  Health Go Health

Larynx (Voice Box) Definition, Function, Anatomy, and Diagram

WEBCartilage Structure of Larynx. Its internal cavity can be divided into the following parts: Supraglottis: The part above the vocal cords, containing the epiglottis [4] …

Category:  Health Go Health

Nasal Cavity Definition, Anatomy, Functions, Diagrams

WEBNasal Cavity Definition. The nose is one of the primary sensory organs responsible for the sense of smell, while it also plays major roles in respiration and …

Category:  Health Go Health

Pulmones: Definición, Localización, Anatomía, Función, Diagrama

WEBQué son los pulmones: Definición. Los órganos cónicos esponjosos llenos de aire que ocupan la mayor parte de la cavidad torácica (tórax) en los seres humanos se conocen …

Category:  Health Go Health

Bronquios Definición, Localización, Anatomía, Funciones, Fotos

WEBBronquio principal derecho (primario) La rama que desemboca en el pulmón derecho se llama bronquio principal o primario derecho [5].Con una longitud de unos 2,5 cm, es …

Category:  Health Go Health

Bronquiolos Definición, Localización, Anatomía, Función, Diagrama

WEBQué son los bronquiolos. Las vías respiratorias más pequeñas dentro del pulmones que no están rodeados por ningún cartílago se denominan bronquiolos [1].Una vez que el …

Category:  Health Go Health

Альвеолы Определение, расположение, анатомия, функция, …

WEBЧто такое альвеолы. Альвеолы это маленькие шаровидные мешочки диаметром 200-500 мкм. [1], составляя жизненно важную часть дыхательной зоны …

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