Color Psychology: How Colors Impact Your Wellbeing

WEBThis serene color reminds people of a forest or sunny grassy field. A few qualities linked to the color green include health, hope, nature, growth, freshness, prosperity, and balance. …

Actived: 6 days ago


The 6 Healthiest Ways to Eat Spinach – One Green Planet

WEB4. Slightly boiled: boiling your spinach for even just one minute maximizes health benefits and then makes it a really easy addition to pastas, on top of potatoes, you name it. …

Category:  Health Go Health

7 Benefits of Complex Carbs and the Best Ones to Eat

WEB4. Sleep. Certain carbs like oatmeal, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, bananas, and brown rice contain large amounts of tryptophan, which relax the body and help put you to sleep. …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Growing Your Own Food Can Benefit the Planet and …

WEBThe easiest way to imagine how growing your own food reduces your carbon footprint and benefits the planet is to think of food production and distribution in terms of an empty jar. …

Category:  Food Go Health

Guide To 10 Amazing Bitter Greens And Their Benefits …

WEB10. Mizuna. Source: Snow Pea and Mizuna Stir Fry. One of the mildest mustard greens, mizuna—often found in mesclun mixes—is high in immune-boosting vitamin C, folate, …

Category:  Vitamin Go Health

10 Factors that Contribute to a Healthy Community

WEBExercise and Nutrition. Eating correctly, maintaining a healthy weight, and moving enough are all important for general health and chronic disease prevention in a community. The …

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

How to Use Ginger, Turmeric, and Lemon to Care for the …

WEBUses: Grate the whole ginger root into tea, stir-fry dishes, add it to a smoothie, juice with it, steep it with lemon, and add a dash of cayenne to make a morning digestive and energy …

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Use Beets to Benefit the Liver – One Green Planet

WEBFlickr. The best way to use beets to benefit your liver is to simply eat them on a regular basis. Though you can juice with them and add them to smoothies, if you’re particularly …

Category:  Health Go Health

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Agar-Agar

WEBIt is free from soy, corn, gluten, yeast, wheat, starch, milk, egg, and preservatives. It is a good source of fiber, calcium, and iron. Agar is said to help digestion and help detoxify …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Consuming Dairy Can Impact Your Mood

WEBIt has to do with receptors in the gut and brain that react to the casein and create antibodies as a response. This creates symptoms that could even mimic bipolar disorder and …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Hidden Benefits of Matcha: Why It’s Amazing for Your Skin

WEBInterestingly enough, chlorophyll can protect our skin from sun damage and reduce photo-aging, which means fewer wrinkles and sunspots. Chlorophyll also protects our skin by …

Category:  Health Go Health

Red Clover: All About the Health Benefits of this Ancient Ayurvedic

WEBRed clover is widely used in many ancient traditions including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurvedic healing, and even in North American medicines.

Category:  Medicine Go Health

The Human and Environmental Impact of Bananas

WEBPay $49.99/Year + Go Ad-Free! The banana is one of the oldest cultivated plants, with some evidence that banana cultivation began as far back as 8000 BCE or earlier. …

Category:  Health Go Health

Ripe vs. Unripe Bananas: Which are Better for You

WEBUnripe Bananas. Benefits: One benefit of green bananas is the high resistant starch content. For anyone trying to avoid food with high sugar content, green bananas are an …

Category:  Food Go Health

How to Detox Your Liver the Natural Way: A 5 Step Guide

WEBEating healthy fats like almonds, coconut, walnuts, hemp, chia, and flax, along with pumpkin and sunflower seeds, olives, and avocado are all the best sources of fat for your diet. …

Category:  Health Go Health

Recipes Archives

WEBThe greatest destination for meatless and vegan recipes, including recipes for specialty diets like raw, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, paleo, wheat free, clean, healthy, low …

Category:  Health Go Health

7 Natural Foods That Help Cleanse the Body of Mucus

WEB4. Apples. Apples’ vitamin C and fiber known as pectin are what make them such a star at relieving mucus build-up in the body. Their potassium content only contributes to their …

Category:  Vitamin Go Health

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar Internally to Relieve Inflammation

WEBNatural ACV Tea. Add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to warm water and lemon to drink as a natural tea. Add a green tea bag for even more healing effects. 3. ACV Spiked …

Category:  Health Go Health

Beyond the Zoo: How Captivity Affects the Mental Well-Being of …

WEBThe behavior mimics the exact movement of the jaw when food is being consumed. However, sham-chewing is performed in the absence of food — and since pigs are not …

Category:  Food Go Health

Why You Should Eat Avocado seeds and How to Make Them Tasty

WEBBut the seed is actually where most of the fruit’s nutritional potential resides. The avocado seed holds 70 percent of the avocado’s antioxidants, including the well-respected …

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

Dr. M Sanjayan, Conservation International

WEBDr. M. Sanjayan is an executive vice president and senior scientist at Conservation International.

Category:  Health Go Health

KC Theisen, HSUS, Author at One Green Planet

WEBKC Theisen is the director of Pet Care Issues for The HSUS, focusing on keeping owned pets in their homes and reducing barriers to adoption. She advocates for better …

Category:  Health Go Health