Kidney Cleanse: 22 Foods for Kidney Health

WEBLegumes and seeds. Papaya. Potatoes. Pumpkin. Sprouts. Watercress. (Source: Read: 7 Home Remedies for Kidney Stones. A diet rich in these …

Actived: 9 days ago


29 Nettle Tea Benefits: Sipping on Nettle Tea for Better Health

WEB29 Nettle Tea Benefits. To give you an idea of just how powerful this singular plant is, nettle has the potential to treat the following ailments: Nettle stimulates the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Alpinia Zerumbet: What it is and How it Can Heal You

WEBOkinawa, Japan, whose population is frequently cited as ‘ the healthiest on earth ,’ boasts an impressively low incidence of cardiovascular disease, stroke and …

Category:  Health Go Health

14 Alkaline Foods and Drinks for Optimal Health

WEBBananas. 12. Radishes. 13. Carrots. 14. Broccoli. These foods aren’t only alkaline-producing, they are loaded with nutrients, antioxidants, and health benefits. These are …

Category:  Food Go Health

23 Health Benefits of Sea Buckthorn: The Miracle Berry

WEBSlows the aging process. Supports internal organs. Boost health of the mucous membranes lining the digestive and respiratory tracts. Supports urogential …

Category:  Health Go Health

Blackstrap Molasses Benefits: An Unsulphured Superfood

WEBPotassium is another mineral abundant in blackstrap molasses. A deficiency in potassium results in weak muscles and is considered a factor in causing arthritis. …

Category:  Health Go Health

Colloidal Gold: Discover the Benefits and Wonders

WEBColloidal gold has anti-inflammatory powers to alleviate pain and swelling among those with arthritis and bursitis. It has also shown promise for rejuvenating …

Category:  Health Go Health

Guyabano Benefits

WEB13. Prevents constipation – Being rich in fiber, guyabano is one of the many foods that can help with constipation. 14. Bone health – Guyabano contains copper, a …

Category:  Food Go Health

What is Cantaloupe Good For

WEBAlthough a cup of cantaloupe contains only 56 calories, it provides more than the total daily requirement of vitamin A. Beta-carotene is also a precursor for …

Category:  Vitamin Go Health

Carrots Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in 10-Year Study

WEBIn addition, phytonutrients like falcarinol and falcarindiol are believed to contribute to carrots’ heart healthy benefits. These potent compounds have major anti …

Category:  Health Go Health

20 Benefits of Turmeric

WEBMany of the benefits offered by turmeric are due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The spice can delay aging, support heart health, relieve arthritis …

Category:  Health Go Health

Study: Turmeric and Bay Leaves Team up to Prevent Atherosclerosis

WEBThe turmeric and laurel groups also experienced a respective 48% and 28% reduction in cholesterol levels, as well as a respective 68% and 56% decrease in plasma …

Category:  Health Go Health

9 Kiwi Fruit Benefits

WEB3. Improve Cardiovascular Health. Kiwis are loaded with vitamin C, polyphenols, and are a good source of potassium – all of which work together to reduce …

Category:  Vitamin Go Health

10 Essential Benefits of Drinking Water, Staying Hydrated

WEB6. Eliminate Digestive Disorders – Water can help eliminate and reduce the incidence of ulcers, bloating, gas, gastritis, acid reflux, and IBS. You also will experience …

Category:  Health Go Health

Consume an Apple Daily to Unclog and Clean the Arteries

WEBAccording to one recent study, eating an apple a day really can keep the doctor away– specifically, the cardiologist. Researchers with Ohio State University found …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Root Canals Could Spark Autoimmune Diseases

WEBWhat exactly is a root canal? The standard root canal procedure effectively kills the tooth by removing all the dental pulp. The dental pulp contains the blood supply, …

Category:  Health Go Health

7 Heart-Healthy Alternatives to Daily Aspirin

WEB7 Heart-Healthy Alternatives to Aspirin. 1. Arginine or L-arginine is an amino acid that can produce arterial dilation to keep arteries from constricting. Arginine …

Category:  Health Go Health

11 Reasons to Grow & Eat Sunflower Greens

WEBThis means your body can more easily assimilate important phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. 3. Sunflower greens are full of folate (folic acid), and B complex, …

Category:  Vitamin Go Health

10 Health Benefits of Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) – Part 1

WEB9. Brain Damage from Lead – A study published in Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology indicates black seed is able to dampen and reverse damage to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Political Health Archives

WEBPolitical Health Archives for Natural Society

Category:  Health Go Health